win32diskimager-raspand-logoNEWS 160917 about RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 and Win32 Disk Imager
It is now possible to install RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915 to a Micro SD card (preferable a class 10 card) in Windows 10. I have finally (after many months) “discovered” how to make an image file of all four (4) partitions needed to run RaspAnd. I.e. system, boot, cache and data. Just download the ZIP-file and unzip it with 7-Zip. Then download Win32 Disk Imager (for free) and install the IMG-file raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-7400mb-160915.img to a SD card of at least 8GB. It will look like this during the installation. Be sure to install to the right place so you don’t erase important data! You can alternatively (of course) use the dd-command in a Linux system. Unzip Then open a terminal and run the command dd if=raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-7400mb-160915.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M
(Change X to b, d or…)

What’s the point with Win32 Disk Imager?
Well, until now you had to have some basic knowledge about Linux to be able to install RaspAnd. Now you don’t need any special knowledge at all! (Just some basic computer knowledge).

RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915 is an Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow system which can run on Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi 2. Google Play Store and other GAPPS are included. This version of RaspAnd is faster and more responsive than RaspAnd Marshmallow 601 Build 160717 and (of course) RaspAnd Lollipop Build 150924/160315. Many other apps than GAPPS are pre-installed in Build 160915. I can mention Clash of Clans, Spotify, ES File Explorer, Rotation Control Pro, Terminal Emulator, Aida64, WinZip and Vlc.

MORE ABOUT RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915
This new version has about the same pre-installed apps and features as in RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160717, but it looks better, runs faster and is more responsive. Watch the slideshow below. You can run also this build (160915) using a Raspberry Pi 2 computer, but for best performance you really should use a Raspberry Pi 3. Be sure also to use a class 10 Micro SD Card.