Tag: exton

ExTiX 15.4 – LXQt and KDE versions – Build 151017 with kernel 4.2.0-16-exton (4.2.3)

extix-15.4-extix-desktop-smallI have made two new versions of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call them ExTiX 15.4 LXQt Live DVD respectively ExTiX 15.4 KDE Live DVD. (The previous version was 15.3).

ExTiX 15.4 LXQt/KDE Live DVD 64bit is based on Debian 8.2 Jessie/Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf. The original system includes the Desktop Environment Unity (Ubuntu). After removing Unity I have installed LXQt 0.9.0 respectively KDE Frameworks 5.15.0 with KDE 4.15. LXQt is the Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE, the Lightweight Desktop Environment. It is the product of the merge between the LXDE-Qt and the Razor-qt projects: A lightweight, modular, blazing-fast and user-friendly desktop environment.

Ubuntu 15.10 will be released in a stable version 151022. Regardless of this fact you can consider both my ExTiX versions of 151017 as stable. The “Final Freeze” of Ubuntu 15.10 was yesterday (151016).

The system language is ENGLISH.

My special kernel 4.2.0-16-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s kernel 4.2.3.

What’s new in kernel 4.2? One million new lines of code in kernel 4.2! (The biggest kernel release ever according to Linus Torvalds).

extix-discussionScreenshot of ExTiX 15.4 Desktop – LXQt 0.9.0
Screenshot of ExTiX 15.4 Desktop – KDE 4.15
Login to LXQt
Login to KDE


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AndEX (Android-x86) 5.1.1 Lollipop with GAPPS and kernel 4.0.8 – Build 151010

andex-desktop-build-20151010-smallNEWS 151010: Build 150916 has been replaced by Build 151010, which is totally error-free and has some extra features.

Comparison with my previous Build from 150916
News in Build 151010
: Most important is that Build 151010 can run and be installed in VirtualBox and VMware. Also that OpenGL ES hardware acceleration for Intel/AMD (radeon) and Nvidia (nouveau) chipsets is enabled. I’ve also added the Twitter and Viber apps. Very useful apps (I think).

MORE NEWS 151010
My new build of Android-x86 Lollipop 5.1.1 has GAPPS pre-installed. I.e. Google Play Services, Google Play Store, Maps, YouTube and more apps. For example: Twitter, Viber, Facebook and OfficeSuite 8. The ISO is called android-x86-5.1.1-lollipop-kernel-4.0.8-exton-GAPPS-588mb-151010.iso. AndEX 151010 is totally error-free. For installing new apps you shall always use Google Play Store in AndEX Build 151010. Only use Aptoide App Manager (which is also pre-installed) if you can’t find the app you are searching for in Google Play Store.

About AndEX

My compiled Androidx86 system (Lollipop 5.1.1) can run live (from CD or a USB stick) or be installed on almost all laptops (and some Desktop computers). For example Acer (Aspire), HP, Samsung, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, Thinkpad, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Asus laptops. The Android system is distributed in the form of an ISO file as the rest of my Linux distributions. I.e. you must (as usual) burn the ISO file to a CD if you want to run the system live on your computer or install it to hard drive. Read about how to burn ISO files. Or skip that. Just use ImgBurn. Nothing can go wrong.

What’s the point?
Well, if you like your Android phone and all the apps you have installed on it I’m sure you will also like to run apps from your laptop. Bigger screen and better sound etc. Also: In AndEX version 151010 almost all apps and games can be installed via Google Play Store. Still not convinced? Then read my article about “How useful an Androx-x86 system can be for the average computer user“.


Screenshot 1 – AndEX Desktop with Sea Turtle Live Wallpaper (pre-installed) – Watch this movie
Screenshot 2 – AndEX running Cars: Fast as Lightning
Screenshot 3 – AndEX running Trials Frontier
Screenshot 4 – AndEX running Stick Tennis
Screenshot 5 – AndEX with extra apps
Screenshot 6 – AndEX with more extra apps
Screenshot 7 – AndEX running 3D Chess
Screenshot 8 – AndEX running Pool Break 3D



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Run your Slackware 64 bit system with the latest stable kernel – 4.2.2!

SlackwareI have compiled a very useful (as I think) 64 bit kernel for Slackware 12.0 – 14.1 and/or all Slackware derivatives. For example Slax, Zenwalk and SlackEX. The kernel is compiled exactly the same way as Slackware’s latest kernel huge. “My” kernel 4.2.2-x86_64-exton has even more support for new hardware, etc. Kernel 4.2.2 is the latest stable kernel available from Kernel.org. Released 20150929.

What’s new in kernel 4.2?
One million new lines of code in kernel 4.2! (The biggest kernel release ever according to Linus Torvalds).

If you want to install my kernel in your Slackware 64 bit system, do this:

1. Download linux-kernel-4.2.2-x86_64-exton.txzmd5sum
2. Install it with the command installpkg linux-kernel-4.2.2-x86_64-exton.txz
(The kernel is packed just like Slackware’s original kernels so that everything ends up in the right place)
4. If necessary, change your Grub Legacy/Grub2 configuration
5. If you have an Nvidia graphics card in your computer, you may need to look over your files in /etc/modprobe.d before restarting the computer. That is remove the “blacklisting” of Nouveau’s kernel module in the appropriate files blacklist.conf and nvidia-installer-disable-nouveau.conf. With “my” kernel functions the Nouveau “free” driver works just fine.

NOTE: When you run the command installpkg linux-kernel-4.2.2-x86_64-exton.txz vmlinuz will be “created” in /boot. If you have /boot/vmlinuz already that file will be overwritten. In case you want to switch back to your old kernel you should make a backup of /boot/vmlinuz before you run the just mentioned command.

Restart your computer and enjoy!


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RaspEX – Build 151001 – with SSH, Samba and VNC4Server >> Connect to your Windows computers

raspberry-logoNEWS 151001 ABOUT RaspEX
My first version of RaspEX is from 150318 and my second from 150706. I have now upgraded the whole system. RaspEX is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 2. It is based on Debian Jessie (Debian 8), Ubuntu Vivid Vervet (Ubuntu 15.04) and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (151001) I’ve installed Wicd Network Manager and added support for Adobe Flash in Chromium (so you can watch YouTube). I have also installed Samba and VNC4Server so you can connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 2 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client).

Screenshot 1 – RaspEX connected to Windows via Samba

Screenshot 2 – RaspEX connected to Windows via PuTTy

Screenshot 3 – RaspEX “running on” Windows with VNC Viewer

About RaspEX
RaspEX is a full Linux Desktop system with LXDE (an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop environment) and many other useful programs pre-installed. Chromium is used as Web Browser and Synaptic as Package Manager. You can use Samba and VNC4Server to connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 2 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). You can use Synaptic to install any extra packages you may need. For example LibreOffice. RaspEX uses Ubuntu’s software repositories so you can install thousands of extra packages if you want.

Why shall I use RaspEX?

Eight Operating Systems are recommended by Raspberrypi.org. Among them Noobs, Raspbian (Debian Wheezy) and Snappy Ubuntu Core. RaspEX is faster (“fast as lightning”), more useful and more fun to use. (In my opinion). One member on this site thought that running RaspEX was like running Raspberry on “steroids“.

About SSH, PuTTY, Samba, VNC4Server and VNC Viewer
SSH, Samba and VNC4Server are pre-installed in RaspEX Build 151001. You need to install PuTTy and and VNC Viewer in your Windows system if you want to connect to RaspEX/Raspberry Pi 2 from Windows the way the below slideshow shows. (Please read the developers information about how to configure PuTTy and VNC Viewer).

Watch this slideshow re. connections between RaspEX and Windows.


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RaspAnd – Build 3 150924 – with Google Play Store

logoAbout RaspAnd 150924
I have finally managed to include Google Play Store in RaspAnd and most important Google Play Services

NEWS 150924
I have compiled yet another Android 5.1 Lollipop system which can run on Raspberry Pi 2. I call “my” new system RaspAnd Build 3. My first version of RaspAnd is from 150405 and my second from 150527. The following useful apps are pre-installed in Build 3 of 150924: Google Play Store, Aptoide App Manager (as an alternative to Google Play Store), Terminal Emulator, AIDA64, Geekbench, WinZip, FileManager, Rotation Control Lite, WPS Office and Offline Maps. Google Play Store, AIDA64 and Geekbench were not included in Build 2 from 150527.

What is Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python. It’s capable of doing everything you’d expect a desktop computer to do, from browsing the internet and playing high-definition video, to making spreadsheets, word-processing, and playing games.
Read more about Raspberry Pi…

Raspberry Pi model B made in February 2015. It has a 900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 CPU and 1GB RAM. Read more…

Kernel 4.0.5-exton-v7+ is used in RaspAnd.

Running RaspAnd – Watch this Slide show

Screenshot 1 – Google Play Store running

Screenshot 2 – RaspAnd’s Desktop

Screenshot 3 – Google Play Services updating

Screenshot 4 – Google Play Store updating with Aptoide


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AndEX (Android-x86) 5.1.1 Lollipop with GAPPS and kernel 4.0.8 – Build 150916

andex-desktop-20150916-small2NEWS 150916: Build 150914 has been replaced by Build 150916, which is totally error-free. Everything just works!

NEWS 150916 – AndEX – Lollipop 5.1.1 with kernel 4.0.8 and GAPPS

My new build of Android-x86 Lollipop 5.1.1 has GAPPS pre-installed. I.e. Google Play Services, Google Play Store, Maps, YouTube and more apps. For example: Facebook and OfficeSuite 8. The ISO is called android-x86-5.1.1-lollipop-kernel-4.0.8-exton-GAPPS-571mb-150916.iso. AndEX 150916 is totally error-free. For installing new apps you shall always use Google Play Store in AndEX build 150916. Only use Aptoide App Manager (which is also pre-installed) if you can’t find the app you are searching for in Google Play Store.

About AndEX

My compiled Androidx86 system (Lollipop 5.1.1) can run live (from CD or a USB stick) or be installed on almost all laptops (and some Desktop computers). For example Acer (Aspire), HP, Samsung, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, Thinkpad, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Asus laptops. The Android system is distributed in the form of an ISO file as the rest of my Linux distributions. I.e. you must (as usual) burn the ISO file to a CD if you want to run the system live on your computer or install it to hard drive. Read about how to burn ISO files. Or skip that. Just use ImgBurn. Nothing can go wrong.

More about AndEX
Lollipop 5.1.1 is the latest version of the Android mobile operating system developed by Google. I call my remaster of it AndEX Lollipop Live CD. It uses “my” special kernel 4.0.8-exton-android-x86 with some extra features. I.e. extra drivers. My Android-x86 KitKat 4.4.4 build from 2015-07-21 will also cost you 9 $. I has two advantages over the Lollipop version: You can run the system in VirtualBox and the system can be used also on older laptops. Read more about the KitKat 4.4.4 version 150721 or DOWNLOAD it instantly.

This build of AndEX (150916) replaces Build 150611. No need to upgrade if you already have a working version of build 150611 installed. All installed apps (GAPPS and others) will then be in the same version as in build 150916 of AndEX. I.e. the system will check for updates all the time or after a reboot. It works in the same way as on your Android phone.

Screenshot 1 – AndEX Desktop with Autumn Live Wallpaper (pre-installed)
Screenshot 2 – AndEX running Cars: Fast as Lightning
Screenshot 3 – AndEX running Trials Frontier
Screenshot 4 – AndEX running Stick Tennis
Screenshot 5 – AndEX with extra apps
Screenshot 6 – AndEX with more extra apps


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DebEX Barebone with Xfce 4.12 and kernel 4.2.0-7-exton

debianRed-150x150About DebEX Barebone, DebEX Gnome and DebEX KDE Linux 64 bit
All three systems/distributions are a based on Debian Jessie (Debian 8.1). There are also certain elements of Debian Sid (unstable). Xfce 4.12 (released 150228 after about three years work!) is used as Desktop environment in DebEX Barebone. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly. Gnome 3.14 is used in DebEX Gnome. KDE 4.14.3 and KDE Plasma Desktop 5:84 is used in DebEX KDE. DebEX Barebone uses “my” special kernel 4.2.0-7-exton (equivalent to Kernel.org’s stable kernel 4.2). DebEX Gnome and DebEX KDE use “my” special kernel 4.1.0-3-exton equivalent to Kernel.org’s stable kernel 4.1.3. The system language is English (in all three versions of DebEX).

What’s new in kernel 4.2? One million new lines of code in kernel 4.2! (The biggest kernel release ever according to Linus Torvalds).

NEWS 150902 about DebEX Barebone (Xfce4)
A new version of DebEX Barebone with Xfce 4.12 and kernel 4.2.0-7-exton (equivalent to Kernel.org’s stable kernel 4.2) is ready. I have installed Nvidia’s proprietary graphic driver 352.41. Read below about how to use it. All packages have been updated to the latest version as of September 2, 2015. Announcement about Xfce 4.12, released 150228: Today, after 2 years and 10 months of work, we are pleased to announce the release of the Xfce desktop 4.12, a new stable version that supersedes Xfce 4.10. This long period can only be explained by how awesome Xfce 4.10 was. But as all things, it needed some refreshing – and for that we saw lots of new contributors providing valuable feedback, features and bugfixes. As always, Xfce follows its steady pace of evolution without revolution that seems to match our users’ needs.

Runs from RAM

DebEX Barebone can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 2 (Copy to RAM). When the system has booted up you can remove the disc (DVD) or USB stick. You’ll need at least 2 GB RAM to run DebEX from RAM.

DebEX Barebone uses kernel 4.2.0-7-exton. DebEX Gnome and DebEX KDE KDE use kernel 4.1.0-3-exton.

Rolling distributions
Debian Jessie/DebEX are rolling distributions, which implies that once you have installed the system on the hard drive there is no need for re-installations (which otherwise is common in the Linux world). This means, for example, that you can go on and install Gnome 3.14 or/and KDE 4.14.3 in DebEX Barebone/KDE. I.e. the latest versions (as of 150831) of Gnome and KDE.


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Run your Ubuntu/Debian 64 bit system with the latest kernel!

logo-linux-exton-netI have compiled yet another Ubuntu/Debian kernel for 64 bit systems. This time kernel 4.2.0-7-exton, equivalent to Kernel.org’s latest stable kernel 4.2 released 150830.

What’s new in kernel 4.2? One million new lines of code in kernel 4.2! (The biggest kernel release ever according to Linus Torvalds).

Install kernel 4.2.0-7-exton in Ubuntu/Debian based distributions
My self-compiled Ubuntu kernels can be used in all types of modern Ubuntu systems, including Mint. They can even be used in Debian Jessie (Debian 8.1). If you want to use my kernel 4.2.0-7-exton for 64 bit systems, you can DOWNLOAD it from here.

md5sum for ubuntu-kernel-64bit-4.2.0-7-exton.zip which is of 63,3 MB.

Installation instructions
Open the zip-file with WinZip, WinRAR or 7-Zip. Or run this command: unzip ubuntu-kernel-64bit-4.2.0-7-exton.zip. Go into the folder ubuntu-kernel-64bit-4.2.0-7-exton and run this command:
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Then: Run command sudo update-grub (if you use Grub2).

It is possible to install Nvidia’s proprietary drivers if you use “my” kernel 4.2.0-7-exton. Could be useful if you like to play games. Please read this instruction. The Nvidia drivers in for example Ubuntu’s repositories – “Current” etc. – can’t be used. It is supposed to be “impossible” to install Nvidia’s latest drivers when running kernel 4.0 – 4.2 without “patches” etc. On the other hand it’s a fact that kernel 4.2 has better support for the open-source Nvidia driver Nouveau than any other older kernel.

A small clarification
“My” kernel 4.2.0-7-exton is compiled exactly the same way as all official Ubuntu kernels. That is, The Ubuntu Way. If not, the kernel would not function in a Ubuntu/Debian system.

Good luck!

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