LFS EXTON – a live installable Linux system built from Linux From Scratch (which can run on ALL computers) with kernel 6.0.6-amd64-exton ::: Build 250315

LFS EXTON Linux live DVD/USB is built using Linux From Scratch 10.1/11.2 and Beyond Linux From Scratch 10.1/11.2 (BLFS).

I’ve decided to abandon the LFS EXTON project. Version 250315 and 221103 of LFS EXTON is based on Linux From Scratch 10.1/11.2. The newest version of Linux From Scratch is version 12.3. It is therefore not possible to upgrade LFS EXTON anymore. Not without a lot of struggle anyhow. And I don’t feel like starting from scratch (again). Too time consuming. Anyone is welcome to take over my project though. You can change everything to your liking and the create a new ISO using Refracta Snapshot, which is working very well in Build 250315. See my main site about LFS EXTON and download a HOWTO about how to use Refracta Snapshot. You’ll find the just mentioned instruction also in /root in Build 250315.

OLD AND NEW NEWS 221103/250315
A new version of LFS EXTON is ready! The first version is from 210706. Most important news re. the new version:
1. LFS EXTON Build 250315/221103 runs on ALL computers. I. e. new and old ones. UEFI or non-UEFI computers. (Build 210706 was not compatible with some newer computers).
2. Build 250315/221103 uses the latest (by 221103) kernel 6.0.6, released 221029.
The kernel is named 6.0.6-amd64-exton-rt14.
3. I have upgraded some essential packages. Most important Firefox.
NOTE: Firefox will always be upgraded automatically to the latest version.
4. I have installed two new packages: Gnu Emacs (“At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text editing”) and MPlayer (a movie player).
NOTE about MPlayer: To be able to play videos (and not just hear sound) you’ll have to install AAlib. Very easy to install. Just follow the instructions. NOTE: Already done in Build 250315.
5. You can download the kernel-sources for LFS EXTON from SourceForge.net – linux-source-6.0.zip. Can be used if you want to install (for example) NVIDIA Graphics Drivers. Unpack and place the sources in /usr/src.

1. A WiFi connection
2. Starting Refracta Snapshot
3. Refracta Installer is running
4. Running in full screen in VirtualBox in Windows


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 5, Pi 4 and  Pi 3/2 at raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd 15 (with GAPPS), RaspAnd 14 (also with GAPPS), 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!



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LFS EXTON – a live installable Linux system built from Linux From Scratch (which can run on ALL computers) with kernel 6.0.6-amd64-exton ::: Build 221103

LFS EXTON Linux live DVD/USB is built using Linux From Scratch 10.1/11.2 and Beyond Linux From Scratch 10.1/11.2 (BLFS) , which has the latest Linux packages and scripts.

NEWS 221103

A new version of LFS EXTON is ready! The first version is from 210706. Most important news re. the new version:
1. LFS EXTON Build 221103 runs on ALL computers. I. e. new and old ones. UEFI or non-UEFI computers. (Build 210706 was not compatible with some newer computers).
2. Build 221103 uses the latest kernel 6.0.6, released 221029.
The kernel is named 6.0.6-amd64-exton-rt14.
3. I have upgraded some essential packages. Most important Firefox.
4. I have installed two new packages: Gnu Emacs (“At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text editing”) and MPlayer (a movie player).
5. You can download the kernel-sources for LFS EXTON from SourceForge.net – linux-source-6.0.zip. Can be used if you want to install (for example) NVIDIA Graphics Drivers. Unpack and place the sources in /usr/src.

ABOUT Refracta Installer
I finally made Refracta Installer to work in LFS EXTON! Now you can install LFS EXTON to hard drive like any other Linux distribution. Just start Refracta Installer from the menu and follow the instructions. Watch this screenshot.
NOTE: You should create the install partition in advance. Use GParted for that.

LXDE and LightDM

LFS EXTON uses LXDE as Desktop environment. LXDE is designed to be user friendly and slim, while keeping the resource usage low. LFS EXTON has all the tools needed for you to go on and install other Desktop environments or whatever you like (after a hard drive installation of LFS EXTON).

Build your own Linux system
You can also just use LFS EXTON Live DVD/USB as build environment when building your own Linux system from scratch.

1. The ordinary user lfs Desktop
2. root’s Desktop
3. showing how to mount NTFS partitions
4. Running Netflix in Firefox



Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!


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LFS EXTON – a live installable Linux system built from Linux From Scratch 10.1 and Beyond Linux From Scratch (BLFS) with the latest packages and scripts :: 210706/210703

LFS EXTON Linux live DVD/USB is built using Linux From Scratch 10.1 and Beyond Linux From Scratch 10.1 (BLFS) , which has the latest Linux packages and scripts.

NEWS 210706
I finally made Refracta Installer to work in LFS EXTON! Now you can install LFS EXTON to hard drive like any other Linux distribution. Just start Refracta Installer from the menu and follow the instructions. Watch this screenshot.
NOTE: You should create the install partition in advance. Use GParted for that.

LXDE and LightDM
LFS EXTON uses LXDE as Desktop environment. LXDE is designed to be user friendly and slim, while keeping the resource usage low. LFS EXTON has all the tools needed for you to go on and install other Desktop environments or whatever you like (after a hard drive installation of LFS EXTON).

Build your own Linux system
You can also just use LFS EXTON Live DVD/USB as build environment when building your own Linux system from scratch. That can be done in VirtualBox in full screen since VirtualBox Guest Additions are pre-installed.

Install to hard drive
Please read my instructions.

LFS EXTON uses my “special” kernel 5.12.8-exton. You can of course compile you own LFS kernel if you want.

Run it fast!

The system is quite fast and responsive. You can run LFS EXTON live super fast from RAM. When the boot process is ready you can eject the DVD or USB stick – screenshot. Use Boot alternative 2 or Advanced options… >> load to RAM. Watch the live boot screen below.


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!
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