Tag: Linux

Install RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 in Windows 10/8 very easy using Win32 Disk Imager!

win32diskimager-raspand-logoNEWS 160917 about RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 and Win32 Disk Imager
It is now possible to install RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915 to a Micro SD card (preferable a class 10 card) in Windows 10. I have finally (after many months) “discovered” how to make an image file of all four (4) partitions needed to run RaspAnd. I.e. system, boot, cache and data. Just download the ZIP-file raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-install-win32diskimager-622mb-160915.zip and unzip it with 7-Zip. Then download Win32 Disk Imager (for free) and install the IMG-file raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-7400mb-160915.img to a SD card of at least 8GB. It will look like this during the installation. Be sure to install to the right place so you don’t erase important data! You can alternatively (of course) use the dd-command in a Linux system. Unzip raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-install-win32diskimager-622mb-160915.zip. Then open a terminal and run the command dd if=raspand-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-7400mb-160915.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M
(Change X to b, d or…)

What’s the point with Win32 Disk Imager?
Well, until now you had to have some basic knowledge about Linux to be able to install RaspAnd. Now you don’t need any special knowledge at all! (Just some basic computer knowledge).

RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915 is an Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow system which can run on Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi 2. Google Play Store and other GAPPS are included. This version of RaspAnd is faster and more responsive than RaspAnd Marshmallow 601 Build 160717 and (of course) RaspAnd Lollipop Build 150924/160315. Many other apps than GAPPS are pre-installed in Build 160915. I can mention Clash of Clans, Spotify, ES File Explorer, Rotation Control Pro, Terminal Emulator, Aida64, WinZip and Vlc.

MORE ABOUT RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915
This new version has about the same pre-installed apps and features as in RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160717, but it looks better, runs faster and is more responsive. Watch the slideshow below. You can run also this build (160915) using a Raspberry Pi 2 computer, but for best performance you really should use a Raspberry Pi 3. Be sure also to use a class 10 Micro SD Card.


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RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 Build 160915 for Raspberry Pi 3/2 – faster and more responsive than ever!

raspand-marshmallow-desktop2-160915-smallRaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915 is an Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow system which can run on Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi 2. Google Play Store and other GAPPS are included. This version of RaspAnd is faster and more responsive than RaspAnd Marshmallow 6.0.1 Build 160717 and (of course) RaspAnd Lollipop Build 150924/160315. Many other apps than GAPPS are pre-installed in Build 160915. I can mention Clash of Clans, Spotify, ES File Explorer, Rotation Control Pro, Terminal Emulator, Aida64, WinZip and Vlc.

ABOUT RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160915
This new version has about the same pre-installed apps and features as in RaspAnd Marshmallow Build 160717, but it looks better, runs faster and is more responsive. Watch the slideshow below. You can run also this build (160915) using a Raspberry Pi 2 computer, but for best performance you really should use a Raspberry Pi 3. Be sure also to use a class 10 Micro SD Card.

About Aptoide App Manager and Google Play Store
I have removed Aptoide in this build (160915). I could not get Aptoide to work properly in this RaspAnd build. Google Play Store works very well though. I.e.: A lot of apps can be found and installed.

About the need to upgrade from RaspAnd Build 160717 to RaspAnd Build 160915

If you have RaspAnd Build 160717 “up and running” and everything works alright there is no real need to upgrade. I mean both versions are based on Marshmallow 6.0.1 and all included apps (GAPPS and others) gets updated all the time. RaspAnd Build 160915 runs slightly faster and looks better than Build 160717. That’s all! Note: RaspAnd Build 160717 has even one advantage over Build 160915. Namely that Aptoide App Manager is installed. Aptoide can be used to install apps not found on Google Play Store.

Screenshot 1 – Google Play Store running
Screenshot 2 – RaspAnd’s new Desktop


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PuppEX Xenial 32 bit Linux Live CD :: Build 160822

puppy-linux-logo-smallMy newest Puppy derivative is built from LxPup with the LXDE Desktop environment. I have added Google Chrome (for Netflix), Gimp, VLC, Emacs and some development tools. If you want more you can download and load (Menu >> Setup >> SFS-Load-on-the-fly) devx_PuppEX_2016.sfs. I have compiled a new kernel – 4.7.1-x86-pae-puppex. Kernel 4.7.1 is the second lastest stable kernel available from Kernel.org as of 160822. PAE (Physical Address Extension) increases the physical memory addressable by the system from 4 GB to 64 GB. PuppEX Xenial is compatible with Ubuntu 16.04, which means that Ubuntu packages for Ubuntu 16.04 can be installed and used in PuppEX. The PuppEX Xenial ISO is of 585 MB.

The PuppEX system is superfast since it runs from RAM.

Study ALL installed packages in PuppEX Xenial…

Screenshot of the PuppEX Desktop


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Run your Slackware installation with the latest kernel – 4.7.1!

SlackwareNEWS 160817
Kernel 4.7.1-x86_64-exton is my newest Slackware kernel. Kernel 4.7.1 was released yesterday (160816).

I have compiled a very useful (as I think) 64 bit kernel for Slackware Current (14.2) and/or all Slackware derivatives. For example Slax, Zenwalk and SlackEX. The kernel is compiled exactly the same way as Slackware’s latest kernel huge. “My” kernel 4.7.1-x86_64-exton has even more support for new hardware, etc. Kernel 4.7.1 is the latest kernel available from Kernel.org. Released 20160816.

What’s new in kernel 4.7?


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ExTiX 16.4, Build 160731, with KDE 4.15 together with KDE Frameworks 5.18.0 and kernel 4.6.4

extix-logo-black-white-bgI have made a new version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call it ExTiX 16.4 KDE Live DVD. (The previous version was 16.2).

ExTiX 16.4
KDE DVD 64 bit is based on Debian 8.5 Jessie/Debian 9 Stretch and Ubuntu 16.04.1. The original system includes the Desktop Environment Unity (Ubuntu). After removing Unity I have installed KDE Frameworks 5.18.0 with KDE 4.15. KDE Frameworks are 60 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms.

The system language is ENGLISH.

My special kernel 4.6.0-9-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s kernel 4.6.4. You can download “my” kernel if you want to use it in another Ubuntu/Debian system. Extract ubuntu-kernel-64bit-4.6.0-9-exton.7z with the command 7za x ubuntu-kernel-64bit-4.6.0-9-exton.7z.

A general truth: If an original system can run on a particular computer an Exton “remaster” of the same original system can run on the same computer. I never change a Linux system for the worse in terms of auto configuration and hardware detection, etc. It happens that I replace the original kernel, but always to a “better” one with even more native support for various hardware etc. (Which I have done in this case).

Screenshot of ExTiX 16.4 Desktop – KDE 4.15
Screenshot of ExTiX 16.4 when ArchEX is running in Virtualbox


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Exton|OS Light Build 160728 :: Based on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS with kernel 4.6.0-9-exton (4.6.4)

exton-os-logo-worldNEWS 160728 about Exton|OS Light Live DVD – ISO file of 885 MB
I’ve made a new extra version of Exton|OS based on Ubuntu 16.04.1 (alias Xenial Xerus) 64 bit with only a minimum of packages pre-installed. Among them a terminal emulator (LXTerminal), a Web Browser (Google Chrome – so you can run Netflix), PCManFM (file manager), NetworkManager, GParted (Partition Editor), Samba (so you can reach your Windows computers) and Synaptic (Package Manager). I give you the pleasure of installing all extra packages you need after a hard disk installation of Exton|OS Light. Use Synaptic for that. You can of course also install new packages while running the system live (from DVD/USB stick), but nothing will be saved after a reboot. Unless you have followed my USB Install Instruction (under B) or used UNetbootin) and used Boot alternative 2 – Persistent when you have used UNetbootin. If you have plenty of RAM you can even install big programs (such as LibreOffice) while running the system live even from DVD. Exton|OS Light’s Window manager Openbox guarantees lightness and elegance.

This version of Exton|OS Light from 160728 replaces version 160207 of Exton|OS Light. Exton|OS Light is now based on Debian Stretch/Sid and Ubuntu 16.04.1 (released 160721).

Exton|OS Light Live CD is based on Ubuntu 16.04.1 Xenial Xerus 64 bit and Debian Stretch/Sid. Exton|OS Light’s ISO file (of 885 MB!) is a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to an USB pen drive. You can then even run Exton|OS from the USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence! Read my USB INSTRUCTION under B).

All installed packages in Exton|OS Light have been updated to the latest available version as at July 28, 2016. Study the full package list.

My special kernel 4.6.0-9-exton, equivalent to Kernel.org’s kernel 4.6.4. You can download “my” kernel if you want to use it in another Ubuntu/Debian system.

See a screenshot of Exton|OS Light’s Openbox Desktop
See a screenshot of Exton|OS Light’s Openbox Desktop when Samba is used
See a screenshot when Google Chrome with Netflix is running


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SlackEX (Slackware 14.2/Current) live USB with kernel 4.6.4 and KDE 4.14.21

slackware_logoI have made yet another version of SlackEX. It has the latest kernel (4.6.4, released 160711) and the latest KDE (4.14.21) Desktop Environment.

New features in version 160714 of SlackEX
I have replaced kernel 4.5.1-x86_64-exton with kernel 4.6.4-x86_64-exton with support for “everything”. Most important is that I have changed repositories from Slackware 14.1 to Current. I.e. Slackware 14.2 (released 160701). KDE is upgraded to version 4.14.21 (latest KDE version). All other component software is also upgraded to the latest Slackware Current version by now. I may also mention in particular GParted 0.24.0 (latest, not in Slackware’s repositories), VirtualBox 5.1.0 (latest, not in Slackware’s repositories), Google Chrome 46.0.2490.86 (not in Slackware’s repositories), Gimp 2.8.10 (installed from source), GSlapt 0.5.3h, Firefox 47.0.1, Thunderbird 45.2.0, Samba 4.4.5 and GCC 5.3.0. Furthermore I have installed Grub2, which can be used as boot loader (if you want) after a hard drive install. Study the full package LIST. Note: I have replaced Wicd with NetworkManager. It works better. Most important: This version of SlackEX has to be installed to a USB Pen Drive!

What’s new in kernel 4.6.4?

Install SlackEX to hard drive
Use this INSTRUCTION. You can (if you want) use Grub2 (new GRUB) as boot loader.

Install SlackEX to a USB stick
Please read my INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS. NOTE: All system changes are PERSISTENT.

Screenshot 1 – SlackEX KDE 4.14.21 Desktop with Netflix running

Screenshot 2 – Samba running

Screenshot 3 – GSlapt running


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Run your Slackware installation with the latest stable kernel – 4.6.4!

slackware_logoI have compiled a very useful (as I think) 64 bit kernel for Slackware Current (14.2) and/or all Slackware derivatives. For example Slax, Zenwalk and SlackEX. The kernel is compiled exactly the same way as Slackware’s latest kernel huge. “My” kernel 4.6.4-x86_64-exton has even more support for new hardware, etc. Kernel 4.6.4 is the latest stable kernel available from Kernel.org. Released yesterday (20160711).

What’s new in kernel 4.6.4?


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Exton|Defender – Fedora 24 version – with Cinnamon 3.0.6 and kernel 4.6.3 (latest)

exton-defender-logo-smallAbout Exton|Defender SRS (in two versions)

Exton|Defender SRS is a Linux system available as a Live DVD (based on Fedora 24, 64bit – version 160705 and on Mageia 5, 32bit – version 150701) for administrating or repairing your system and data after a crash. Exton|Defender aims to provide an easy way to carry out admin tasks on your computer, such as creating and editing the hard disk partitions. It comes with a lot of Linux software such as system tools and basic tools (editors, Midnight Commander, network tools). Exton|Defender can, however, also be used as a normal Linux Desktop System. It requires no hard drive installation, but can easily be installed to hard drive if you want. Desktop environments: Cinnamon 3.0.6 in version 160705 (Fedora 24) and Cinnamon 2.4.5 in version 150701 (Mageia 5).

System Tools included
NTFS-3g, GParted, PartImage, Shred, Sfdisk (util-linux-ng), Rsync, Ddrescue, FSArchiver, TestDisk and Midnight Commander. Other programs (among many others): Google Chrome (in both versions) for watching Netflix movies, LibreOffice (in fc24), NetworkManager, Firefox, Thunderbird, Gimp, Samba, Java (JDK 7u9) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE), Emacs, Safecopy, kernel headers (Mageia 5 and Fedora 24) and many compilation tools. See a complete LIST of all installed packages 160705 (Fedora version) and 150701 (Mageia version).

NEWS 160705 re. Exton|Defender fc24 (Fedora 24)
I’ve made a new version of Exton|Defender 64 bit. Now based on Fedora 24, released 160621. It uses Cinnamon 3.0.6 and kernel 4.6.3. (Latest stable kernel as of 160705).

Screenshot of Exton|Defender´s Cinnamon 3.0.6 Desktop – Fedora 24 version

Screenshot of Exton|Defender´s running Yum Extender – Fedora 24 version


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MeX 64 bit Linux based on Ubuntu 16.04 with Cinnamon 3.0.5 and kernel 4.6.0-7-exton

mex-logo-smallMeX NEWS/CHANGES 160630
Mex Linux is no longer based on Linux Mint. MeX build 160630 is based only on Debian 8.5 and Ubuntu 16.04. I have replaced the original kernel with “my” special kernel 4.6.0-7-exton. All packages in MeX Linux have been upgraded to the latest version by 160630. This version of MeX uses Cinnamon 3.0.5. Linux Mint 18 (to be released “later this week”) will also use Cinnamon 3.0.5 as Desktop environment.

Program content etc
To make it possible to run MeX from RAM I have kept down the number of installed packages. The MeX ISO file is of 960 MB. The ISO size has increased a bit because of me installing Google Chrome (to make it possible to watch Netflix movies). All packages have been updated to the latest available stable version as of June 30, 2016. See a complete list of all installed packages.

Screenshot 1 – Cinnamon 3.0.5 Desktop with Samba

Screenshot 2 – Cinnamon 3.0.5 Desktop with Synaptic running

Screenshot 3 – Cinnamon 3.0.5 Desktop with SMPlayer running

Screenshot 4 – Boot screen


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