Tag: Calamares Installer

DebEX Gnome – 64 bit – for UEFI computers with Gnome Desktop 3.38 (latest), Calamares Installer, Refracta Snapshot and kernel 5.9.1-exton (latest) – Build 201018

NEWS 201018 about DebEX Gnome – a Refracta UEFI Build
I have made a new extra version of DebEX, which I call DebEX Gnome Live DVD. It’s a pure Debian system using the testing (bullseye) and unstable (sid) repositories. Gnome 3.38 (latest) is used as Desktop environment. I have removed the Mate Desktop, since Gnome now can be used on all kind of computers. Also when running DebEX in VirtualBox and VMware. No need for Nvidia’s proprietary graphics drivers when running this new version of DebEX. You can of course install such drivers if you want to.Furthermore I have replaced Google Chrome with Firefox ESR. It is now possible to watch Netflix movies using Firefox ESR in Linux. I have also replaced Refracta Installer with Calamares Installer, which makes it possible to install DebEX Gnome in any language. You can even use Calamares in VirtualBox and VMware – i.e. non-efi computers. All installed packages have been updated to the latest version as of 201018. DebEX Gnome uses kernel 5.9.1-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s latest kernel 5.91 released yesterday (201017).

About all DebEX systems

All four DebEX systems/distributions are a based on Debian Buster (10) and
Debian Bullseye/Sid (upcoming Debian 11). Budgie Desktop 10.5 and Enlightenment 0.23.1 are used as Desktop environments in DebEX Barebone/Budgie/Enlightenment. Gnome 3.38 is used in DebEX Gnome. KDE Plasma Desktop 5:14 is used in DebEX KDE. LXQt is used in DebEX Build 19120932 bit. The system language is English (in all four versions of DebEX).

Running DebEX Gnome in VirtualBox
VirtualBox Guest Utils can be installed without problems – screenshot. Which means that you can run DebEX in VirtualBox using the whole screen – screenshot. Another good thing with version 201018 of DebEX Gnome is that it can be installed without problems in VirtualBox. I.e. you don’t have to chroot into the install partition and install Grub – screenshot.

Software management
DebEX (all three versions) uses Apt (apt-get) and Synaptic. I have also installed Pacapt (an Arch’s pacman-like package manager) in DebEX Gnome. It works extremely well. Available commands: pacapt -h. For example: pacapt -S libreoffice installs LibreOffice. In DebEX Gnome you can also use the Cactus Package Manager. Example commands: cpm i mousepad and cpm s gimp. (Install Mousepad and search for Gimp). CPM works very well.

DebEX is a pure Debian system. I.e. no traces of Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc. New releases of Ubuntu are always based on Debian. So is DebEX.

Running DebEX in VirtualBox using the whole screen
The login screen (LightDM)
Calamares installer has started
The installation (in VirtualBox) is done!


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 10 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!
1 Comment extonExton Linux Systems

ArchEX (Arch Linux) with Deepin 20 BETA, LXQt 0.15.0, kernel 5.8.12-arch1-1, Yay and Calamares 3.2.17 installer – Build 200930

NEWS about ArchEX 200930
A new version of ArchEX is ready! In this new version, which I call ArchEX 2020, I have added the Deepin 20 BETA (latest) Desktop environment. Deepin (made in China!) is devoted to providing a beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. I came to like Deepin very much when I installed it in ExTiX 20.5 . So I thought why not install Deepin also in ArchEX?

This version (200930) of ArchEX replaces version 200914, which couldn’t run on UEFI computers. I’ve also replaced Yaourt with YayYet Another Yogurt – An AUR Helper Written in Go. I came to know that Yaourt is dead. I.e. Yaourt is not being developed anymore. So in the new version of ArchEX I have fixed the UEFI matter, upgraded all included packages, installed a new kernel (5.8.12 – latest stable kernel by 200930) and replaced Yaourt with Yay.

Study all installed packages in ArchEX 2020 Deepin/LXQt.

ArchEX Deepin Desktop
ArchEX Deepin full Desktop
ArchEX running LXQt – just change from Deepin to LXQt before you log in
ArchEX using Yay


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 10 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!
No Comments Exton Linux SystemsLinux

ArchEX (Arch Linux) with Deepin 20 BETA, LXQt 0.15.0, kernel 5.8.8-arch1-1, Yaourt and Calamares 3.2.17 installer – Build 200914

NEWS about ArchEX 200914
A new version of ArchEX is ready! In this new version, which I call ArchEX 2020, I have added the Deepin 20 BETA (latest) Desktop environment. Deepin (made in China!) is devoted to providing a beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. I came to like Deepin very much when I installed it in ExTiX 20.5 . So I thought why not install Deepin also in ArchEX?

Study all installed packages in ArchEX 2020 Deepin/LXQt.

Why trust a Chinese Distribution?

NEWS 200914 about Calamares Installer
I’ve finally managed to make Calamares 3.2.17-3 (The universal installer framework) work without big problems/issues. Calamares 3.2.17 is quite new. Released November 28, 2019. This version gives you more control over the installation process. Now you can use Calamares to install ArchEX in any language.

How To dual boot, triple boot or multi boot Linux with Windows in a simple way and be happy
Before installing ArchEX or any other Linux system my general installation instructions may be of interest.


ArchEX 64 bit is a new (200914) Linux live DVD based on Arch Linux. Arch motto is KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). ArchEX uses kernel 5.8.8-arch1-1, Deepin 20 BETA and LXQt 0.15.0 Desktop environments. Deepin 15.11 Desktop (made in China!) is devoted to providing a beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. About LXQt 0.15.0: LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment. It will not get in your way. It will not hang or slow down your system. It is focused on being a classic desktop with a modern look and feel.

BENEFITS of ArchEX/Arch Linux
“Cutting Edge”-software and speed. You will for example always run the latest kernel if you upgrade ArchEX/Arch (for example) every month.

ArchEX Deepin Desktop
ArchEX Deepin full Desktop
ArchEX running Calamares – All done!
ArchEX running Spotify
ArchEX changing Wicd’s preferences


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!

about my Android 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 10 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!
1 Comment extonExton Linux Systems

ExLight 64bit UEFI, Build 200703, based on Debian “Bullseye” (upcoming Debian 11) with Enlightenment 0.23.1, Refracta Snapshot, Calamares, Nvidia Graphics Driver and kernel 5.7.6-exton

NEWS 200703 ABOUT ExLight
I’ve made a new version of ExLight with the Enlightenment 0.23.1 Desktop environment, Refracta Snapshot (create your own Debian Bullseye System), Nvidia Graphics Driver 440.100 and Calamares 3.2.26-1 Installer Framework. The very nice Enlightenment theme NightBlue is used. It will be used also after a hard drive installation.

New sources 200703
This new version of ExLight is based on Debian testing 11 Bullseye. Build 200703 is a total rebuild of ExLight. The ISO file size is of only 1270 MB, which means that ExLight now can run even faster from RAM. I.e. load to RAM – screenshot.

ExLight Build 200703 uses kernel 5.7.6-exton, corresponding Kernel.org‘s kernel 5.7.6.

What’s new in kernel 5.7?

Installed packages
Study all installed packages in ExLight Build 200703.


ExLight is a pure Debian system. I.e. no traces of Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc. New releases of Ubuntu are always based on Debian. So is ExLight.

1. The Enlightenment 0.23.1 Desktop for root
2. The Enlightenment 0.23.1 Desktop for the ordinary user user running Calamares

3. Connection from ExLight to a Windows computer using Samba
4. Using ConnMan for WiFi connections
5. Using NetworkManager for WiFi connections
6. ExLight Nvidia Settings
7. ExLight running Refracta Snapshot in three steps


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DebEX Budgie/Enlightenment – Build 200618 – with Budgie Desktop 10.5, Enlightenment 0.23.1, Refracta Snapshot, Nvidia Graphics driver 440.82 and kernel 5.7.2-exton

About DebEX Barebone Budgie/Enlightenment, DebEX Gnome and DebEX KDE Plasma Linux 64 bit
All three systems/distributions are a based on Debian Buster (10) and Debian Bullseye/Sid (upcoming Debian 11). Budgie Desktop 10.5 and Enlightenment 0.23.1 are used as Desktop environments in DebEX Barebone/Budgie/Enlightenment. Gnome 3.30 is used in DebEX Gnome. KDE Plasma Desktop 5:14 is used in DebEX KDE. The system language is English (in all three versions of DebEX).

NEWS 200618 about DebEX Budgie/Enlightenment – a Refracta Build
A new version of DebEX Barebone with Budgie Desktop 10.5, Enlightenment 0.23.1 and kernel 5.7.2-exton (equivalent to Kernel.org’s second latest kernel 5.7.2) is ready. All packages have been updated to the latest version as of June 18, 2020. DebEX Barebone is now based on Debian Buster (Debian 10.4). I have installed Nvidia‘s latest proprietary Graphics driver 440.82. It will automatically be used if your computer has support for it.

Most important Changes
I’ve added Enlightenment 0.23.1 as an extra Desktop environment. That makes this version of DebEX unique, since there is no other live distro with Enlightenment 0.23.1 installed. Version 0.23.1 (released 190926) is not yet included in Debian’s repositories. I’ve thus installed Enlightenment 0.23.1 from source. The ISO is of only 1520 MB, which makes it easy to run the system live from RAM. That ability allows DebEX Budgie/Enlightenment to be very fast, since reading and writing data from/to RAM is much faster than on a hard disk drive. You can use the Calamares 3.2.4-3 Installer Framework to install DebEX Budgie/Enlightenment to your computer in any language. You can even use Calamares in VirtualBox and VMware – i.e. non-efi computers. Watch this animated GIF. NOTE also: When starting up DebEX Budgie/Enlightenment and entering the Enlightenment 0.23.1 Desktop you will get an error message as this screenshot shows. The error is fixed by running the following commands: chmod 777 .cache/efreet and sudo chmod 777 /root/.cache/efreet. After installing DebEX to hard drive you won’t get any error messages.

1. The Budgie Desktop for the ordinary user user
2. The Budgie Desktop for root
3. The Enlightenment Desktop for user user
4. The Boot menu when running DebEX live
5. The Boot menu when running DebEX from hard drive
6. The Enlightenment Desktop for root
7. A Samba connection in DebEX Budgie/Enlightenment


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at

raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

1 Comment extonExton Linux SystemsLinux

exGENT (Gentoo) 64bit Live DVD/USB with LXQt 0.14.1, Calamares Installer and kernel 5.6.7-gentoo-aufs-exton – Build 200428 – can be installed to hard drive in 2 min!

NEWS 200428 about exGENT (Gentoo) 64 bit
I’ve made a new version of exGENT with only a few necessary packages pre-installed. It uses LXQt 0.14.1 as Desktop environment and kernel 5.6.7-gentoo-aufs-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s latest stable kernel 5.6.7. The ISO file is of 2100 MB. Despite this exGENT version 200428 runs surprisingly fast from DVD or USB. Even in VirtualBox and VMware. Faster than most other Linux live systems. I call my new version exGENT 2020 LXQt Live DVD/USB. It replaces version 200119. All installed packages in exGENT have been updated to the latest available version by 200428. Study the full package list.

What’s new in kernel 5.6? – The most exciting kernel in years!

What’s new in exGENT Build 200428?
The boot loader Grub Legacy has been replaced by Grub2. In exGENT versions before 170309 the file system wasn’t writable when running exGENT live (from DVD). Now you can emerge (install) new programs/packages even while running the system from a DVD or USB stick. If you do that and later decide to install exGENT to hard drive all your changes will follow! (That is if you use the install scripts in /root/install). Furthermore you can install/transfer exGENT to a USB stick with the dd command in Linux or use Rufus or Etcher in Windows. Such installations were impossible before. NOTE: I have not installed Google Chrome. It’s not needed anymore, since Netflix nowadays runs very well in Firefox. About the LXQt Desktop environment: LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment. It will not get in your way. It will not hang or slow down your system. It is focused on being a classic desktop with a modern look and feel. MOST IMPORTANT: Now you can install exGENT to hard drive in two ways. You can still use the install scrips in /root/install. That is the best way to install exGENT on non UEFI computers for example VirtualBox and VMware. The second way is to use the Calamares Installer.

Is exGENT Build 200428 unique?
If you have a look at Gentoo’s download site you will notice that the latest Gentoo live system is from 20160704 (!?). Furthermore there are only a few other distros based on Gentoo. The most well-known are Funtoo Linux and Sabayon Linux. Funtoo isn’t a live system. Sabayon is a live system distributed with different Desktops variants. (Not with LXQt though). I have tried some of them on the computers I have access to. None of Sabayon’s variants could run live. Not even in VirtualBox and VMware. My guess is that exGENT has better hardware recognition than Sabayon.


1. exGENT Build 200428 running Spotify
2. exGENT Build 200428 – root’s Desktop
3. exGENT running Calamares in VirtualBox
4. exGENT running in VirtualBox


About exGENT Rpi4 Build 200410
I’ve created an exGENT/Gentoo system for Raspberry Pi 4. Read more about it…

Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

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Exton|OS 64 bit – based on (upcoming) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS – with Budgie Desktop 10.5, Gnome 3.36, Refracta Snapshot, Calamares Installer and kernel 5.6.0-rc6-exton – Build 200319

NEWS 200319 ABOUT Exton|OS with Budgie Desktop 10.5, Gnome 3.36 and Refracta Snapshot
The Desktop Environment in this Exton|OS build is Budgie 10.5. Budgie is focused on simplicity an elegance. Designed with the modern user in mind. Gnome 3.36 has also been installed. It was released 200311. Program content in build 200319: Refracta Snapshot, Calamares 3.2.20, Firefox, Gimp, SMPlayer, SMTube, and GParted. Also all necessary additions in order to install programs from source. Calamares is an installer framework. By design it is very customizable, in order to satisfy a wide variety of needs and use cases. Kernel 5.6.0-rc6-exton (corresponding Kernel.org‘s latest kernel 5.6-rc6) is used. Kernel 5.6-rc6 was released 200315. All packages have been updated to the latest available version as at March 19, 2020 Study the NEW PACKAGE list. Google Chrome has been removed since it’s now possible to use Netflix in Firefox. Using Refracta Snapshot you can change everything to your liking and create your own live installable Ubuntu 20.04 system. I mean create your own installable Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Live DVD once you have installed Exton|OS to hard drive. Ubuntu 20.04 will be supported until April 25, 2025.

1. This Exton|OS version is for efi computers. You can nevertheless use the Calamares Installer in VirtualBox/VMware and thus install Exton|OS in any language. You can even use Calamares for installation to a USB stick and that way get persistence. Please read my instruction before you perform such an installation. Calamares Installer replaces Ubiquity (Ubuntu’s installer). Calamares Installer is also very simple to use. No “expert knowledge” is needed.
2. A brand new kernel – 5.6-rc6 – is used. With Windows exFAT file system support.
3. The very nice icon theme Papirus is installed and used.
I haven’t changed the wallpapers since it’s hard to find nicer ones.

What’s new in kernel 5.6? – The most exciting kernel in years!

Screenshot 1 – Exton|OS’s Budgie root Desktop
Screenshot 2 – Exton|OS’s Budgie live Desktop
Screenshot 3 – Exton|OS Gnome live Desktop
Screenshot 4 – Exton|OS’s Budgie Desktop installing Spotify
Screenshot 5 – Exton|OS’s Budgie Desktop running Calamares
Screenshot 6 – connection to a Windows computer with Samba
Screenshot 7 – Exton|OS running in VMware
Screenshot 8 – showing how to configure a wireless Network


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

No Comments extonExton Linux Systems

DebEX KDE Plasma based on Debian testing/unstable with kernel 5.6.0-rc3-exton, Refracta Snapshot and Calamares Installer – “the real McCoy” – Build 200228

NEWS 200228 about DebEX KDE Plasma – a Refracta Build
I have made a new version of DebEX KDE Plasma Live DVDefi. It replaces version 190923. It’s a pure Debian system. (Unstable/Experimental). I.e.: There are no Ubuntu or Kubuntu elements involved. DebEX KDE Plasma uses the KDE Plasma Desktop 5:17 as Desktop environment. Kernel 5.6.0-rc3-exton (latest) is used. I have replaced Wicd with NetworkManager. It works better. I have replaced Google Chrome with Iceweasel (Firefox) 52.9 (for Netflix). I’ve also added SMPlayer – an alternative to VLC. (SMPlayer is a free media player for Windows and Linux with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats. It doesn’t need any external codecs. Just install SMPlayer and you’ll be able to play all formats without the hassle to find and install codec packs). All other installed packages have also been updated to the latest version of 200228. Study the full package list. MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE: I have added Calamares Installer Framework. Now you can choose language when the installation starts. When it’s ready everything will be in your chosen language! You can even use Calamares in VirtualBox and VMware – i.e. non-efi computers if you follow my INSTRUCTION for non-efi computers. You can also use Refracta Installer. Preferably in VirtualBox/VMware (non-efi computers).

MOVIE about Calamares Installer
Watch a movie
about the Calamares installation process in VirtualBox.

What’s new in kernel 5.6? – The most exciting kernel in years!

Important about Refracta Snapshot
You can use the Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed in all four versions of DebEX) to create your own installable Debian Live DVD once you have installed DebEX to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Debian live installable system.

DebEX KDE is a pure Debian system. I.e. no traces of Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc. New releases of Ubuntu are always based on Debian unstable. So is DebEX.

Spotify is running
User’s Desktop in version 200228 of DebEX KDE
Calamares Installer is running


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

No Comments extonExton Linux Systems

MeX 64 bit Linux – Build 200130 – based on upcoming Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Cinnamon 4.4.8, Calamares Installer and kernel 5.5.0-exton

MeX Linux – NEWS/CHANGES 200130
Mex Linux is no longer based on Linux Mint. MeX Build 200130 is based only on Debian and upcoming Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Long Term Support). I have replaced the original kernel with “my” special kernel 5.5.0-exton. All packages in MeX Linux have been upgraded to the latest version by 200130. This version of MeX uses Cinnamon 4.4.8-unstable. The very nice icon theme Papirus is installed and used.

MORE MeX NEWS 200130
1. The MeX ISO is now a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive.
2. Another big improvement is that MeX now can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 4 (load to RAM). When the system has booted up you can eject the disc (DVD)/USB stick. You’ll need at least 2 GB RAM to run MeX that way. The ISO file is of only 1200 MB so MeX will run super fast from RAM!
3. I have replaced Google Chrome with Firefox. Google Chrome is no longer needed to be able to run Netflix in Linux.
4. The best thing with this new MeX build – Create your own installable Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Live DVD with Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed)! The whole “remaster process” is so simple that a 10 year old child can do it.
5. I have installed Calamares Installer as in many of my other Linux builds. Calamares is an installer framework. By design it is very customizable, in order to satisfy a wide variety of needs and use cases. Very easy to use. You can use Calamares to install MeX on both UEFI computers and non UEFI computers (for example VirtualBox and VMware).

Who can benefit from MeX?
All who like Debian/Ubuntu and want a system that is easy to use and maintain. And of course those who want to create their own Ubuntu system in a very simple way with Refracta Snapshot. Regarding MeX also those who want to run a Linux system super fast from RAM and/or like to run Linux from a USB flash drive. And those who want a new kernel – 5.5. (Latest kernel by 200130).

The importance of MeX being based on upcoming Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is due to be released on April 23, 2020. MeX Build 200130 is therefore (of course) not the most stable Linux system out there. This version of MeX is not for daily use I would say. Having said that I also must say that I haven’t bumped into any problems when running MeX on my computers. I also must say that this version of MeX is very fast and responsive. Especially if you run MeX from RAM. My guess is that you can avoid all problems if you upgrade MeX every week. I.e. once you have installed the system to hard drive.

1. The Cinnamon 4.4.8 Desktop with Refracta Snapshot running
2. Samba connection with a Windows computer
3. YouTube running
4. Boot screen when running from DVD/USB
5. The Grub boot screen when running MeX from hard drive
6.  Spotify running (install Spotify with sudo apt-get install spotify-client)


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

1 Comment extonExton Linux Systems

ExTiX 20.2, Build 200127, with KDE Plasma Desktop 5.17, Calamares Installer, Refracta Snapshot, Nvidia Graphics Driver and kernel 5.5.0-rc7-exton

Created with GIMP

ExTiX 20.2 – Build 200127
I have made a new version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call it ExTiX 20.2 KDE Plasma Live DVD. (The previous KDE version was 19.1 from 181228). The best thing with ExTiX 20.2 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu 20.04 system. So easy that a ten year child can do it!

ExTiX 20.02 KDE Plasma DVD 64 bit is based on Debian and (upcoming) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The original system includes the Desktop Environment Gnome. After removing Gnome I have installed KDE Frameworks 5.66.0 with KDE 4.19. KDE Frameworks are 60 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms.

The system language is ENGLISH.

My special kernel 5.5.0-rc7-exton.

What’s new in Linux kernel 5.5?

NEWS ABOUT ExTiX 20.2 Build 200127 with the KDE Plasma Desktop environment, Calamares Installer and Refracta Snapshot

1. ExTiX KDE Plasma is based on (upcoming) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa. KDE 4.19 is used as Desktop environment. All packages have been updated to the latest version by 200127. Kernel 5.5.0-rc7-exton is used.
2. I have removed Google Chrome. It is now possible to watch Netflix movies in Firefox.
3. Other included important/useful packages are: GParted, Brasero, GCC and other compilation tools so that you can install packages from source. Furthermore “all” multimedia codecs. Everything the average Linux user could wish for I would say.
4. The best thing with ExTiX 20.2 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. Very easy to do. When starting Refracta Snapshot you will see this.
5. I have installed Calamares Installer as in my other ExTiX builds. Calamares is an installer framework. By design it is very customizable, in order to satisfy a wide variety of needs and use cases. Very easy to use. You can use Calamares to install ExTiX on both UEFI computers and non UEFI computers (for example VirtualBox and VMware).

WHAT’S SO SPECIAL about ExTiX and especially the new version from 200127?
1. The ExTiX ISO’s are ISO-hybrids, which means that they can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive. You can even run ExTiX from the USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence!
2. Another big improvement is that ExTiX can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 2 (load to RAM). When the system has booted up you can remove the disc (DVD) or USB stick. You’ll need at least 4 GB RAM to run ExTiX that way. Running from RAM means that the system will run faster than from DVD or USB stick. Everything will be super fast I would say!
3. I’ve replaced kernel 4.20.0-exton with kernel 5.5.0-rc7-exton. Latest by 200127.
4. I have replaced Ubuntu’s installation program Ubiquity (live installer) with Calamares. You can also (still) use Refracta Installer. They work very well. I.e. a new user (your user) will be created during the installation process and you’ll get a chance to change root’s password. Just start any of the installers from the menu under System.
5. The best thing with ExTiX 20.2 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu 20.04 system.
6. Nvidia proprietary Graphics driver 440.44 (patched for kernel 5.5) is pre-installed in ExTiX 20.2.

The importance of ExTiX 20.2 being based on upcoming Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is due to be released on April 23, 2020. ExTiX 20.2 is therefore (of course) not the most stable Linux system out there. ExTiX 20.2 is not for “daily use” I would say. Having said that I also must say that I haven’t bumped into any problems when running ExTiX 20.2 on my computers. I also must say that this version of ExTiX is very fast and responsive. Especially if you run ExTiX from RAM. My guess is that you can avoid all problems if you upgrade ExTiX 20.2 every week. I.e. once you have installed the system to hard drive.

Screenshot 1 of ExTiX 20.2 Desktop – logged in as the ordinary user extix
Screenshot 2 – ExTiX is running in VirtualBox
Screenshot 3 – the installation using Calamares is ready
Screenshot 4 – Refracta Snapshot has started


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at

andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at
raspex.exton.se – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

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