Tag: Enlightenment 0.25.4

ExLight 64bit UEFI, Build 240614, based on Debian “Sid/Trixie” (unstable/testing) with Enlightenment 0.25.4 (stable) as DE, Refracta Snapshot and Calamares Installer

NEWS 240614 ABOUT ExLight
I’ve made a new version of ExLight with the Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop environment, Refracta Snapshot (create your own Debian Sid/Trixie System) and Calamares 3.3.6-1 Installer Framework.

New sources 240614
This new version of ExLight is based on Debian Sid / Trixie (unstable/testing). Build 240614 is a total rebuild of ExLight. The ISO file size is of only 2140 MB, which means that you’ll need about 3GB RAM to run ExLight even faster from RAM. I.e. load to RAM – screenshot. You can remove the DVD or USB stick when ExLight has booted.

ExLight Build 240614 uses kernel 6.9.3-amd64-exton built from Debian kernel sources with Debian patches.

What’s new in Linux kernel 6.9?

Installed packages
Study all installed packages in ExLight Build 240614.

To be able to login to the Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop you’ll have to use a “fairly new” computer. According to my experience the computer can’t be older than about eight (8) years. After a live boot (from a USB stick or a DVD) you are supposed to be logged in automatically as the ordinary user user to the Enlightenment Desktop. If not you will end up in console mode logged in as user. For testing purposes you can do the following if you have a wired Internet connection. Run the following commands:
1. sudo apt update
2. sudo apt install lxde
3. nano .xinitrc
4. Change .xinitrc to exec startlxde
5. startx
You will now enter the LXDE Desktop. So the problem is really Enlightenment. I.e. not which Display Manager to use. I’ve tried with  LXDM, SLiM and finally LightDM . I’m grateful if somebody find a solution to the problem Enlightenment/login and notify me. I’ve found only one Internet post about the problem (with no solution unfortunately).
CONCLUSION: Use a “fairly new” computer if you want to run Enlightenment 0.25.4 in ExLight. I wrote this as a comment at my SourceForge site 221129:  I tried ExLight Build 220726 on a really old computer – Acer Aspire 5102WLMi from 2006. Running ExLight on that computer I got the same problems as the ones you have described. I.e. I could only log in from console mode. I could never reach the Enlightenment Desktop. I have therefore decided to upload a new version of ExLight with a new kernel (possibly the newest) and upgraded packages. That will probably happen today. If the new version won’t run on my old Aspire I have to say that ExLight only runs on fairly new computers. ExLight Build 240614 and 231005 has the same problem. I.e. using my old Acer I can’t reach the Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop whatever I do. I can run LXDE (and possibly other Desktop Environments) without problem though. Watch this screenshot.

WHAT’S NEW IN ExLight BUILD 240614?
NOTE: Version 240614 replaces version 231005.
1. ExLight is now based on Debian Sid / Trixie (unstable/testing).
2. I have upgraded the Desktop environment Enlightenment (“Beauty at your fingertips”) to version 0.25.4, which is the stable version of Enlightenment. There is a newer version (0.26.0-4) of Enlightenment, but it doesn’t work (yet). I have therefore “blocked” upgrades of Enlightenment with sudo apt-mark hold enlightenment. You can “unblock” Enlightenment with the command sudo apt-mark unhold enlightenment. Could possibly work to upgrade Enlightenment after a month or so.
3. I have replaced kernel 6.5.3-amd64-exton with kernel 6.9.3-amd64-exton. ExLight’s ISO file is now a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to a USB pen drive. You can then even run ExLight from the USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence!
5. Another big improvement is that ExLight can run from RAM. Use Boot alternative 2 (load to RAM). When the system has booted up you can remove the disc (DVD) or the USB stick. You will need at least 3 GB RAM to run ExLight that way.
6. This version of ExLight uses the Calamares Installer. Very simple to use! A new user (your user) will be created during the installation process. You can also install ExLight in your preferred language. You can as an alternative use Refracta Installer.
7. MOST IMPORTANT: I’ve added Refracta Snapshot, which make it possible for you to create your own live installable Debian Sid/Trixie system. I mean change everything to your liking, fire up Refracta Snapshot and wait 10 – 20 min until your new ISO is ready!

LOGIN and passwords
When you start up from the DVD or USB stick you will end up in Enlightenment logged in as the ordinary user user if your computer is “fairly new” – see above. You can log out from root’s Desktop screen and log in as root if you want. The password for the ordinary user user is live. The password for root (superuser) is root. NOTE: After a hard drive installation using Calamares the root password will be gone. To fix it log in as user with password live and run the command sudo passwd root.

VirtualBox and VMware
You can’t run ExLight Build 240614 in VirtualBox or VMware for some unknown reason. The system works very well in Qemu in Linux though. Using Qemu is the best way to run any Linux system virtually.

WIRELESS connections

In Build 240614 NetworkManager, WPA supplicant and ConnMan are installed. Use the one you prefer.
NOTE1: Study /etc/resolv.conf-WORKING and change it (if necessary) to suit your needs – screenshot. Keep a copy of resolv.conf-WORKING before you change the filename. Watch a screenshot showing how to use NetworkManager.
NOTE2: For WiFi connections you should use NetworkManager
logged in as root.
NOTE3: On some computers it can be necessary to unblock WiFi before you can connect. Do it with the command rfkill unblock wifi

MOVIE about Calamares Installer
Watch a movie
about the Calamares installation process in VirtualBox. You can use the Calamares Installer Framework to install ExLight to your computer in any language. You can even use Calamares in VirtualBox and VMware – i.e. non-efi computers. (Unfortunately not in this version of ExLight). Watch this animated GIF. (It’s for DebEX Budgie, but works in the same way in ExLight).

Or watch this slideshow.

You can easily install Spotify in ExLight (even while running the system live). Just run the command sudo apt update followed by sudo apt install spotify-client.

Important about Refracta
You can use Refracta Snapshot (pre-installed in ExLight) to create your own installable Debian Sid/Trixie Live System once you have installed ExLight to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Debian live system. When you start Refracta Snapshot it will look like this. You don’t even have to install ExLight to hard drive before you can use the Refracta Snapshot. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Debian system while running ExLight from DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO) only will take 10 – 50 min! You’ll find the ISO in /home/snapshot. Or change that by editing /etc/refractasnapshot.conf. NOTE: You may have to run Refracta Snapshot in three steps (1 – 3) before your new ISO is ready.

ExLight is a pure Debian system. I.e. no traces of Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc. New releases of Ubuntu are always based on Debian Sid. So is ExLight.

After a hard drive installation using Calamares Installer (Not Refracta Installer) you’ll have three “problems”.
1. /etc/apt/sources.list will be different. Replace it with the file sources.list-use-after-install
2. The root password will be gone. Fix it by logging in as the ordinary user user and run the command sudo passwd root.
3. In order to see all icons in the menu you may have to change icons – watch this screenshot.
4. You can’t login to the Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop unless you use a “fairly new” computer – see above.

1. The Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop for user user
2. The Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop for root
3. Using NetworkManager for WiFi connections
4. Showing a Samba connection
5. ExLight running in Qemu -1-root
6. ExLight running in Qemu -2-user

Watch a YouTube Video about ExLight…

The Video is called “ExLight Linux – Lightest Distro I Have Ever Tried“. (It is not made by me).

ExLight Build 240614 Linux Live System can be downloaded from SourceForge.netFast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory.

You can also download ExLight from the Swedish Linux Society…

md5sum for exlight-64bit-sid-efi-e-0.25.4-refracta-calamares-2140mb-240614.iso

Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!

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ExLight 64bit UEFI, Build 231005, based on Debian “Sid/Trixie” (unstable/testing) with Enlightenment 0.25.4 (latest) as DE, Refracta Snapshot and Calamares Installer

NEWS 231005 ABOUT ExLight
I’ve made a new version of ExLight with the Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop environment, Refracta Snapshot (create your own Debian Sid/Trixie System) and Calamares 3.3.0~alpha2-1 Installer Framework.

New sources 231005
This new version of ExLight is based on Debian Sid / Trixie (unstable/testing). Build 231005 is a total rebuild of ExLight. The ISO file size is of only 2000 MB, which means that you’ll need about 3GB RAM to run ExLight even faster from RAM. I.e. load to RAM – screenshot. You can remove the DVD or USB stick when ExLight has booted.

ExLight Build 231005 uses kernel 6.5.3-amd64-exton built from Debian kernel sources with Debian patches.

What’s new in kernel 6.5?

Installed packages
Study all installed packages in ExLight Build 231005.


ExLight is a pure Debian system. I.e. no traces of Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc. New releases of Ubuntu are always based on Debian Sid. So is ExLight.

1. The Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop for user user
2. The Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop for root
3. Using NetworkManager for WiFi connections
4. Showing a Samba connection

Watch a YouTube Video about ExLight…

The Video is called “ExLight Linux – Lightest Distro I Have Ever Tried“. (It is not made by me).


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!
No Comments extonExton Linux Systems

RaspArch Rpi4 Build 230908 :: Run Arch Linux with Enlightenment DE on your new Raspberry Pi 4 computer :: Install using Rufus 4.2, Win32 Disk Imager or Etcher in Windows!

RaspArch Build 230908 especially for the “new” Raspberry Pi 4 released in May 2020
This version (230908) is especially made for the “new” Raspberry Pi 4, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

RaspArch is a “remaster” of Arch Linux ARM. The original compressed system is of about 230 MB. When I added the Enlightenment 0.25.4 (latest version) Desktop Environment (DE), the LXDE DE, PulseAudio, Firefox, Yay, Gimp and NetworkManager the system size increased a lot. RaspArch is a “ready-to-go” ARM system. It must be installed on a Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B computer. RaspArch Build 230908 replaces RaspArch Build 221202. Build 221202 had only the LXDE DE installed. I.e. not Enlightenment.

NEWS in RaspArch Build 230908
A new kernel – 6.1.47-1-rpi-ARCH. All included packages have been updated to the latest version as of 230908. I’ve also replaced Yaourt with Yay – Yet Another Yogurt – An AUR Helper Written in Go. I came to know that Yaourt is dead. I.e. Yaourt is not being developed anymore. I have also installed PulseAudio. I’ve replaced the LightDM Display Manager with SLiM. Finally the sound works very well in RaspArch. Nice if you like YouTube. I’ve also replaced Wicd with NetworkManager. It works better. NOTE: To be able to install Yay I had to install a lot of development tools. When logged in as the normal user archpi you will enjoy the Enlightenment DE. When logged in as root you will enter the LXDE DE from SLiM. The password for archpi is raspberry. The password for root is root.

Screenshot 1 of RaspArch’s Desktop
– logged in as archpi
Screenshot 2 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as root
Screenshot 3 – showing how to change wallpaper in Enlightenment


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 13, 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 13 and 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!
No Comments extonExton Linux SystemsRaspberry Pi

SlackEX (Slackware 15.0) with Enlightenment 0.25.4, Xfce 4.16.1, Refracta Snapshot and kernel 6.0.10-exton :: Build 221210

Slackware is the first widely-used Linux system, which is still developing. Slackware has existed since 1993. In comparison with for example Ubuntu and Linux Mint, many people believe that Slackware is “difficult”. Any novice can quickly learn to use Ubuntu they say. My remaster of Slackware Current (15.0), which I call SlackEX 15.0 Current 64 bit Linux Live DVD, is however just as easy to use as Ubuntu and/or Linux Mint. Some tend to complain that the Program Management in Slackware is awkward. That was perhaps earlier the case, but not anymore.

NEWS ABOUT SlackEX 15.0 stable Build 221210 with the Enlightenment 0.25.4 and Xfce 4.16.1 Desktops
A new extra version of SlackEX is ready. It is based on Slackware 15.0 stable released 220203. In this version I’ve installed Enlightenment 0.25.4 (latest version) and Xfce4. I’ve also replaced kernel 5.16.0-exton with kernel 6.0.10-amd64-exton-rt14. This version of SlackEX is unique. You can’t find another Linux system with the latest Enlightenment version. (Except for ExLight). When installing version 0.25.4 in SlackEX I had to do it from source. The whole thing was very time consuming since a lot of dependencies had to be satisfied. The most important package installed is Refracta Snapshot. With that you can build your own Slackware distribution with Enlightenment 0.25.4. When a new version of Enlightenment is ready you too should be able to install it from source. Xfce4 is one of Slackware’s official Desktop environments. The other one is KDE. You can easily switch from Enlightenment to Xfce4 by editing /root/.xinitrc. Then log out and back again. That can of course also be done when running SlackEX live. (From a DVD or a USB stick). This Build of SlackEX replaces version 220117.
NOTE1: You’ll run SlackEX Build 221210 as root. The password for root is root. If you don’t like to run a Linux system as root you can create a “normal” user. Watch this screenshot.
NOTE2: You can’t login to Enlightenment 0.25.4 if you use older computers. It’s the same problem as in ExLight. You’ll have to use a fairly new computer if you want to see the Enlightenment Desktop. If you can’t login to Enlightenment (because your computer is too old) you can always switch to Xfce4. Press Ctrl Alt F1 simultaneously. Then edit .xinitrc with Nano. Command: nano .xinitrc. After that run the command startx and you will enter the Xfce4 Desktop.
NOTE3: You can run SlackEX Build 221210 on UEFI and non-Uefi computers. You can also run SlackEX live super fast from RAM.
NOTE4: VirtualBox Guest Additions and are pre-installed, which means that you can run SlackEX in full screen in VirtualBox.

Screenshot 1 – root’s Desktop – Enlightenment 0.25.4
Screenshot 2
root’s Desktop with Xfce4 as DE
Screenshot 3 – SlackEX running in full screen in VirtualBox


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!
No Comments extonExton Linux Systems

ExLight 64bit UEFI, Build 221130, based on Debian “Sid” (unstable/development) with Enlightenment 0.25.4 (latest) as DE, Refracta Snapshot and Calamares Installer

NEWS 221130 ABOUT ExLight
I’ve made a new version of ExLight with the Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop environment, Refracta Snapshot (create your own Debian Sid System) and Calamares 3.2.61-1 Installer Framework. The very nice Enlightenment theme e25 Neonz is used.

New sources 221130
This new version of ExLight is based on Debian Sid (unstable/development). Build 221130 is a total rebuild of ExLight. The ISO file size is of only 1850 MB, which means that you’ll need about 3GB RAM to run ExLight even faster from RAM. I.e. load to RAM – screenshot. You can remove the DVD or USB stick when ExLight has booted.

ExLight Build 221130 uses kernel 6.0.10-amd64-exton-rt14 built from Debian kernel sources with Debian patches.

What’s new in kernel 6.0?

Installed packages

Study all installed packages in ExLight Build 221130.

ExLight is a pure Debian system. I.e. no traces of Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc. New releases of Ubuntu are always based on Debian Sid. So is ExLight.

You can’t login to the Enlightenment 0.25.4 Desktop unless you use a “fairly new” computer. Not older that about eight (8) years according to my experience. Read more about the problem…


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at
andex.exton.net – latest is AndEX 11 (with GAPPS), AndEX 10 (with GAPPS) and AndEX Pie 9.0 (also with GAPPS)!
about my Android 12, 11, 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2 at
– latest is RaspAnd 12 (without GAPPS), RaspAnd 11 (with GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (also with GAPPS)!
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