Tag: Linux

RaspArch Build 171102 :: Run Arch Linux on your Raspberry Pi 3 or Pi 2 computer :: Install using Win32 Disk Imager!

rasparch-logoThis version (171102) is my fifth build of RaspArch
The first version is from 150414. The second is from 151107. The third is from 160312 specially made for the new Raspberry Pi 3. The fourth version is from 161205. This version (171102) and version 161205 of RaspArch can of course also run on the “old” Raspberry Pi 2. RaspArch
is a “remaster” of Arch Linux ARM. The original compressed system is of 231 MB. After I have added the LXDE Desktop environment, PulseAudio, Firefox, Yaourt and Gimp the system increased a lot. RaspArch is a “ready-to-go” ARM system. It must be installed on a Raspberry Pi 3 model B or Pi 2 computer.

Most important change in version 171102: use Win32 Disk Imager for the installation
This version can be installed in Windows using Win32 Disk Imager. Previous versions could only be installed when running a Linux system. Using Win32 Disk Imager has one disadvantage though. Only about 1GB can be used as data storage no matter which card you use. The system is of 3GB and the system partition of 4GB. If you use a card of 32GB about 28GB will be unused. Yesterday a member on this site wrote about how to get rid of the 1GB limit after Win32 Disk Imager has been used:
– write the image with Win32 Disk Imager
– start up Ubuntu (or another Linux system)
– start GParted – screenshot before resizing
– resize the SYSTEM partition – screenshot after resizing
– done!
This screenshot shows that RaspArch now has about 25GB free storage.

Writing the image using Win32 Disk Imager. See the screenshot below.

Study all installed packages in RaspArch…

Screenshot 1 of RaspArch’s Desktop
– YouTube and PulseAudio Control running
Screenshot 2 of RaspArch’s Desktop – YouTube running
Screenshot 3 – Yaourt running (while installing Geany)


1 Comment extonExton Linux SystemsLinuxRaspberry

RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 for Raspberry Pi 3 – Build 171019/170805 – with GAPPS, Aptoide TV and Kodi 18.0-ALPHA1 to be installed in Linux

NEWS 171019 about RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 for Raspberry Pi 3
RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2 Build 170805 can be installed in Windows using Win32 Disk Imager. This method has one disadvantage. Only about 5GB can be used as data storage no matter which card you use. I have therefore today uploaded a new version, which can be (must be) installed using a Linux system. The new system from 171019 is basically the same system as the RaspAnd system from 170805. I have only added AIDA 1.47 and replaced Google Chrome with Firefox 56.0. Kodi has been upgraded from version 17.3 to version 18.0-ALPHA1. Now say, for example, that you use Micro SD card (preferable a class 10 card) of 64GB about 56GB can be used as data storage. This is of course a big advantage. When you are done with partitioning of the card it shall look like the screenshot below shows. The needed partitions for RaspAnd are created with GParted in Linux.

Read about how to install RaspAnd 7.1.2 Nougat version 171019 in Linux…

1 Comment extonExton Linux SystemsLinuxRaspberry

ExTiX 17.8 – “The Ultimate Linux System” – with LXQt 0.11.1, Refracta tools, Nvidia 384.90 and kernel 4.13.0-15-exton – Build 171012

I have made a new version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call it ExTiX 17.8 LXQt Live DVD. (The previous version was 17.4 from 170418).

ExTiX 17.8 LXQt DVD 64 bit is based on Debian 9 Stretch and Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark, to be released 171019. The original system includes the Desktop Environment Gnome. After removing Gnome I have installed LXQt 0.11.1. LXQt is the Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE, the Lightweight Desktop Environment. It is the product of the merge between the LXDE-Qt and the Razor-qt projects: A lightweight, modular, blazing-fast and user-friendly desktop environment.

The system language is ENGLISH.


My special kernel 4.13.0-15-exton corresponding Kernel.org’s stable kernel 4.13.4.

What’s new in kernel 4.13?

NEWS ABOUT ExTiX 17.8 build 171012 with the LXQt Desktop environment
1. ExTiX LXQt is based on Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark. LXQt 0.11.1 is used as Desktop environment. All packages have been updated to the latest version by 171012. Kernel 4.13.0-15-exton is used. (Kernel.org‘s kernel 4.13.4).
2. Firefox has replaced Google Chrome as Web Browser. It’s now possible to watch Netflix movies also in Firefox (while running Linux).
3. I have installed BlueGriffon 2.3.1 Web Editor. BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox, it’s a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards. Only to be compared with Dreamweaver. (In my opinion).
4. Other included important/useful packages are: LibreOffice, Thunderbird, GParted, Brasero, SMPlayer, GCC and other compilation tools so that you can install packages from source. Furthermore “all” multimedia codecs. Everything the average Linux user could wish for I would say.
5. I have also installed Nvidia’s proprietary graphics driver 384.90 in this new version ExTiX LXQt. It has support for the following GPUs: Vulkan, GeForce GTX 1080 Ti,TITAN Xp, Quadro GP100, Quadro P4000, Quadro P2000, Quadro K1200, Quadro M6000, GeForce 920M, GeForce 930A, GeForce 930M, GeForce 940M, GeForce GTX 950M, GeForce GTX 960M and GeForce GTX TITAN X. This driver will be used automatically if your card is supported if you start up ExTiX in compatibility mode – nomodeset.

Refracta Tools
While running ExTiX LXQt 17.8 live or from hard drive you can use Refracta tools (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. A ten year child can do it! Watch a slideshow below. (The slideshow is for ExTiX KDE 17.5, but Refracta tools works in the same way in ExTiX LXQt).

Screenshot of ExTiX 17.8 Desktop – LXQt 0.11.1
Refracta tools running while logged in as user live
Connections to Windows computers via PCManFM-qt using Samba
ExTiX running in VMware


3 Comments extonExton Linux SystemsLinux

Android-x86_64 Nougat 7.1.2 – Build 170930 – with GAPPS, kernel 4.13.3-exton-android-x86_64 and the 00 Launcher for Android 0 8.0 Oreo

NEWS 170930 about AndEX Nougat 7.1.2
My new build of Android x86_64 – android_x86_64-7.1.2-nougat-gapps-kernel-4.13.3-exton-170930 can be installed to hard drive or on a USB stick. You cannot run the system live. I.e. from a DVD or a USB stick or live in VirtualBox or VMware. On some computers you’ll have to start up AndEX 7.1.2 in compatibility mode (VESA) after a hard drive installation. GAPPS and all other apps mentioned below are installed. NOTE1: You can run AndEX Nougat Build 170930 on newer laptops and Desktop computers. The video and sound performance is generally very very good. Note2: When trying to run AndEX Build 170930 live (from a DVD or USB stick) you will get all kinds or errors. When running AndEX from hard drive (also in VirtualBox or VMware) you will get no errors at all.

Screenshot – AndEX Build 170930 – the Desktop with 00 Launcher for Android 0 8.0 Oreo

MORE NEWS 170930: AndEX – Nougat 7.1.2 with kernel 4.13.3-exton-android-x86_64 and GAPPS
My new build of Android-x86_64 Nougat 7.1.2 have GAPPS pre-installed. I.e. Google Play Services, Google Play Store 8.1.29.S-all, Google Play Games, Gmail 7.9.10 and YouTube 12.36.56. Also many other apps. For example: Spotify, File Manager, Firefox 55.0.2 and Rotation Control Pro 1.1.9.

The system can also be installed manually to hard drive. To be able to do that you must have at least one Linux system installed on your hard drive. You must also use Grub as boot loader. You can also (or alternatively) install AndEX 7.1.2 the normal way while running the system from a DVD or from a USB stick. Use preferable Rufus to create a bootable USB stick. Or burn the ISO file (android_x86_64-7.1.2-nougat-gapps-kernel-4.13.3-exton-958mb-170930.iso) to a DVD and run the system (install) from it.

ABOUT Andex Nougat 7.1.2
My compiled Android-x86_64 system (Nougat 7.1.2) can be installed on almost all newer laptops (and some Desktop computers). For example Acer (Aspire), HP, Samsung, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, Thinkpad, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Asus laptops. I can also mention that I could run my new Nougat version without problems on a HP Pavilion 500-317no Desktop Computer. The Android-AndEX 7.1.2 system is distributed in the form of a Zip file and a ISO file. You can do a manual installation to hard drive. That can even be done to a drive where you already have another Linux system (for example Ubuntu 17.04) installed. That’s sort of a Frugal Installation (normally used by Puppy Linux).

Android Nougat 7.1.2 was released 170403.

Screenshot 1 – Nougat boot animation (which you must see during the boot. If not, the installation was unsuccessful)
Screenshot 2 – AndEX Nougat 7.1.2 Desktop with 00 Launcher for Android 0 8.0 Oreo
Screenshot 3 – AndEX Nougat 7.1.2 – Google Play Store running
Screenshot 4 – AndEX Nougat 7.1.2 – Google Play Store running and updating 00 Launcher
Screenshot 5 – AndEX Nougat 7.1.2 – running in VMware
Screenshot 6 – AndEX Nougat 7.1.2 – running in VirtualBox
Screenshot 7 – AndEX Nougat 7.1.2 – Desktop with Note 8 Launcher



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AndEX (Android-x86) Marshmallow 6.0.1 – 64bit – with GAPPS and Netflix (!) working very well – Build 170923

NEWS 170923 – AndEX 64bit – Marshmallow 6.0.1 with GAPPS and Netflix (!) working
My build of Android-x86_64 Marshmallow 6.0.1 has GAPPS pre-installed. I.e. Google Play Services 11.5.09, Google Play Store 8.1.29.S-all, Google Chrome 60.0.3112.116, Gmail 7.9.10 and more apps. For example: Netflix 4.16.1, Spotify, Firefox 55.0.2, Aptoide App Manager, Termux 0.53 and Clash of Clans 9.105.10. The ISO is called android_x86_64-marshmallow-6.0.1-gapps-netflix-970mb-170923.iso. AndEX Marshmallow 64bit Build 170923 is totally error-free (as far as I know). Everything just works! About Google Play Services – read below and see this slideshow.

Google Play Services
When you start up AndEX Marshmallow Build 170923 for the first time you will get an error message saying that “Google Play Services has stopped”. (As in my previous builds of AndEX). This is easily fixed by going to Settings – Apps – Google Play Services. Give Google Play Services ALL permissions. After that you won’t see any more error messages.

About running Netflix
Before you start Netflix you should go to Settings >> Apps compatibility >> Enable native Bridge. Watch this screenshot. (I’m not sure if this is absolutely necessary, but…). When a movie in Netflix starts the audio will be in Spanish. Change it to English, French or German. Watch this screenshot. Note: When running AndEX Marshmallow live (i.e. from a DVD or USB stick or live in VirtualBox or VMware) it can happen that you get an error message when you try to start Netflix. Just try again and/or wait a few minutes. When running AndEX from hard drive Netflix starts immediately when you want. Note also: Whatever you do don’t try to upgrade Netflix. No other version than the one pre-installed will work.

What’s the point?
Well, if you like your Android phone and all the apps you have installed on it I’m sure you will also like to run apps from your laptop. Bigger screen and better sound etc. Also: In AndEX Marshmallow Build 170923 almost all apps and games can be installed via Google Play Store. Note also that Netflix works very well in this AndEX Build. Still not convinced? Then read my article about “How useful an Androx-x86 system can be for the average computer user“.

Version 170923 replaces version 160922.

AndEX Marshmallow’s Desktop with some extra apps (Kodi 17.4 and YouTube)
AndEX Marshmallow running Netflix in VMware
AndEX Marshmallow running Google Play Store
AndEX Marshmallow running Aptoide App Manager
AndEX Marshmallow running Kodi
AndEX root session
AndEX Marshmallow running the famous game Clash of Clans (pre-installed)
AndEX Marshmallow running Spotify


1 Comment AndroidextonExton Linux SystemsLinux

Exton|OS Light Build 170918 :: Based on upcoming Ubuntu 17.10 with Refracta tools and kernel 4.13.0-11-exton (4.13.1)

exton-os-logo-worldNEWS 170918 about Exton|OS Light Live DVD – now with Refracta tools!
I’ve made a new extra version of Exton|OS based on Ubuntu 17.10 (alias Artful Aardvark) 64 bit with only a minimum of packages pre-installed. Among them a terminal emulator (LXTerminal), a Web Browser (Google Chrome – so you can run Netflix), SMPlayer, SMTube (YouTube browser which allows to browse, search and play YouTube videos), PCManFM (file manager), Gimp, NetworkManager, GParted (Partition Editor), Samba (so you can reach your Windows computers), Audacious (a small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats) and Synaptic (Package Manager). I give you the pleasure of installing all extra packages you need after a hard disk installation of Exton|OS Light. Use Synaptic for that. You can of course also install new packages while running the system live (from DVD/USB stick), but nothing will be saved after a reboot. Unless you have followed my USB Install Instruction (under B) or used UNetbootin) and used Boot alternative 2 – Persistent when you have used UNetbootin. If you have plenty of RAM you can even install big programs (such as LibreOffice) while running the system live even from DVD. Exton|OS Light’s Window manager Openbox guarantees lightness and elegance.

This version of Exton|OS Light from 170918 replaces version 161021 of Exton|OS Light. Exton|OS Light is now based on Debian Stretch/Sid and Ubuntu 17.10 (to be released in October, 2017).

Exton|OS Light Live CD is based on Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark 64 bit and Debian Stretch/Sid. Exton|OS Light’s ISO file (of 1240 MB) is a ISO-hybrid, which means that it can very easily be transferred (copied) to an USB pen drive. You can then even run Exton|OS from the USB stick and save all your system changes on the stick. I.e. you will enjoy persistence! Read my USB INSTRUCTION under B).

All installed packages in Exton|OS Light have been updated to the latest available version as at September 18, 2017. Study the full package list.

Refracta tools are pre-installed in Exton|OS Light Build 170918 (as well as in Exton|OS Mate Build 170609). Use them to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. I mean create your own installable Ubuntu 17.10 Live DVD once you have installed Exton|OS to hard drive. I mean change everything and then create a whole new Ubuntu live system. Start Refracta from Applications >> System Tools >> Refracta Snapshot. You don’t even have to install Exton|OS Light to hard drive before you can use the Refracta tools. If you have plenty of RAM you can create a new (your own!) Ubuntu system while running Exton|OS from DVD or a USB stick. Please note that the whole Refracta process (creating your new ISO) will only take 10 – 15 min! You’ll find the ISO in /home/snapshots. (Or change that in /etc/refractasnapshot.conf). The whole thing is very simple. Refracta Installer replaces Ubiquity (Ubuntu’s installer). Refracta Installer is also very simple to use. No “expert knowledge” is needed.

THE IMPORTANCE of Exton|OS Light now being based on Ubuntu 17.10 (UNSTABLE/DEVELOPMENT)
I don’t think it is too important since Exton|OS doesn’t use complicated Desktop Environments like KDE, Gnome or Unity. Programs wont crash or anything like that. And I haven’t discovered any bugs to report.

1. Screenshot of Exton|OS Light running in VMware
2. Screenshot of Exton|OS Light’s Openbox Desktop
3. Screenshot of Exton|OS Light’s Openbox Desktop when Samba is used
4. Screenshot when Google Chrome with Netflix is running
5. Screenshot when Spotify is running – (install Spotify with: sudo apt-get install spotify-client)


Other Exton Linux Live CD/DVD’s in English you may like to download…


1 Comment extonExton Linux SystemsLinux

Run your Slackware system with the latest available kernel – 4.13.2!

SlackwareNEWS 170914
Kernel 4.13.2-x86_64-exton is my newest Slackware kernel. Kernel 4.13.2 was released by Kernel.org yesterday. (September 13, 2017).

I have compiled a very useful (as I think) 64 bit kernel for Slackware Current (14.2) and/or all Slackware derivatives. For example Slax, Zenwalk and SlackEX. The kernel is compiled exactly in the same way as Slackware’s latest kernel huge. “My” kernel 4.13.2-x86_64-exton has even more support for new hardware, etc. Kernel 4.13.2 is the latest kernel available from Kernel.org. Released 20170913.

What’s new in kernel 4.13?


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CruxEX (CRUX 3.3), Build 170904, with LXDE, Google Chrome 60.0.3112, Firefox 55.0.3 and Nvidia 384.69

CruxEX 3.3 64 bit Linux Live USB is based on CRUX 3.3 (latest version, released 170212), which is all Linux enthusiasts/nerds favorite OS. (CRUX is a lightweight Linux distribution for the x86_64 architecture targeted at experienced Linux users. The primary focus of this distribution is keep it simple, which is reflected in a straightforward tar.gz-based package system, BSD-style initscripts, and a relatively small collection of trimmed packages. The secondary focus is utilization of new Linux features and recent tools and libraries. CRUX also has a ports system which makes it easy to install and upgrade applications). CruxEX 3.3 2017 uses the LXDE Desktop environment. I have replaced the original CRUX kernel with “my” special kernel 4.12.10-x86_64-cruxex, with support for “extra everything”.

Kernel etc
Kernel 4.12.10 is one of the latest available stable kernels as of 170904. Among all installed and updated applications are Firefox 55.0.3, Google Chrome 60.0.3112 (for Netflix), GParted, PCManFM, Gimp and Wicd. Furthermore compilation tools so that you can install programs from source. Note: Firefox 55.0.3 and Google Chrome 60.0.3112 are not in the CRUX repositories.

NEWS 170904
CruxEX 2017 is distributed only as a Zip file. Install my new version of CruxEX 3.3 64bit from 170904 to a USB Pen Drive and save your system changes – read this INSTRUCTION. If you later on decide you want to install CruxEX to hard drive from the USB Pen Drive all your system changes will also be installed to the hard drive.

CruxEX 3.3 2017 build 170904 is – as my previous CRUX-remasters – unique in the world. I.e. there is no other CRUX Live CD/USB (as far as I know). In any case, not for downloading.

1. The new CruxEX LXDE Desktop
2. Netflix running in Google Chrome
3. See Prt-get in action


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Run your Ubuntu/Debian 64 bit system with the latest stable kernel – 4.12.8!

I have compiled yet another Ubuntu/Debian kernel for 64 bit systems. This time kernel 4.12.0-12-exton, equivalent to Kernel.org’s latest stable kernel 4.12.8 released 170816.

What’s new in Linux kernel 4.12?

Install kernel 4.12.0-12-exton in Ubuntu/Debian based distributions
My self-compiled Ubuntu kernels can be used in all types of modern Ubuntu systems, including Mint. They can even be used in Debian Jessie (Debian 8) and Debian Stretch (Debian 9).


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ExTiX 17.7 with Budgie Desktop, Refracta Tools and kernel

About ExTiX 17.7 with the Budgie Desktop
I’ve made a new extra version of ExTiX with Budgie Desktop. Budgie is focused on simplicity and elegance. Designed with the modern user in mind. Only a minimum of packages are installed in ExTiX Budgie. You can of course install all packages you want. Even while running ExTiX Budgie live. I.e. from a DVD or USB stick. Study all installed packages in ExTiX Budgie.

All four ExTiX systems are based on Ubuntu and Debian.

Refracta Tools
While running ExTiX Budgie 17.7 live or from hard drive you can use Refracta Tools (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. A ten year child can do it! Watch a slideshow below.

ExTiX Budgie Desktop with Spotify running
ExTiX Budgie Desktop – live
ExTiX Budgie Desktop – root
ExTiX Budgie running in VMware


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