Category: Raspberry Pi

RaspAnd Pie 9 for Raspberry Pi 3 B and B+ :: Build 190903 :: with Google Chrome, YouTube, Evie Launcher, Aurora Store and F-Droid. All working very well!

RaspAnd Pie 9 for Raspberry Pi 3 B and B+ :: Build 190903 :: with Google Chrome,YouTube, Aurora Store and F-DroidFree and Open Source Android App Repository. NOTE: Aurora and F-Droid are replacements for Yalp Store and Aptoide App Manager. Yalp doesn’t work anymore. Aptoide works very well in RaspAnd Pie, but I had no room for it in this build. You can, however, easily install Aptoide yourself.

About Raspberry Pi 4
This build (RaspAnd Pie 190903) doesn’t work on the new Raspberry Pi 4. You can also not yet find another build (with Android) which works on the Raspberry Pi 4 computer.

ABOUT RaspAnd Pie 9 Build 190903

RaspAnd Pie 9 runs very well on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and 3 Model B+. I.e. the system is pretty responsive if you use a micro SD card of good quality. RaspAnd Pie has the following apps pre-installed: Google Chrome, Aurora Store, F-Droid, Aida64, Rotation Control Pro, Evie Launcher, Termux, ES File Explorer. Unfortunately not Google Play Store, but Aurora and F-Droid work as good replacements for it.

About Aurora Store
Aurora Store is an alternate to Google’s Play Store, with an elegant design, using Aurora you can download apps, update existing apps, search for apps, get details about in-app trackers, spoof your location and much more. So Aurora Store works as a pretty good replacement for Google Play Store. I think.

About F-Droid
F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.

About GetJar
The worlds biggest Open App Store for Android. If you can’t find the app you want on at Aurora or F-Droid you can always try with GetJar. Just download the APK file and install it!

1. The new Desktop using Evie Launcher
2. Using Aurora Store
3. The Desktop after first boot
4. Changing wallpaper with ES File Manager
5. Installing Spotify with Aptoide – (Spotify works very well and you can install Aptoide if you want to)
6. Running Spotify
7. Running Termux – you can use Apt!
8. WiFi Settings – (WiFi works very well)
9. AIDA64 running showing the system info


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RaspEX Rpi4 – Build 190812 based on Ubuntu 19.10 – with OpenCPN 5.0.0 (navigation software)

RaspEX Rpi4 – Build 190812 based on upcoming Ubuntu 19.10 – with OpenCPN 5.0.0 (latest stable version released 190323) – especially made for the new Raspberry Pi 4, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

OpenCPN is a free software (GPLv2) project to create a concise chart plotter and navigation software, for use underway or as a planning tool. OpenCPN is developed by a team of active sailors using real world conditions for program testing and refinement.


This build (190812) replaces build 181120. Ubuntu has been upgraded to version 19.10 and OpenCPN to version 5.0.0 – latest stable version. Build 190812 is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4, but can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

The Desktop environment LXDE is used. The “Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment” is an extremely fast-performing and energy-saving desktop environment. LXDE uses less CPU and less RAM than other environments. It is especially designed for cloud computers with low hardware specifications, such as netbooks, mobile devices (e.g. MIDs) or older computers.

ABOUT RaspEX Build 190812

RaspEX is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 4, Pi 3 Model B, Model B+ and Pi 2 model B. It is based on Debian Buster (Debian 10), Eoan Ermine (upcoming Ubuntu 19.10) and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (190812) I’ve installed OpenCPN 5.0.0.

Read this OpenCPN Review….

Compatibility :: August 2019

Unfortunately not all systems made for Raspberry Pi 3 and 2 will run on the new Raspberry Pi 4 computer. They need to be upgraded with a new kernel. I therefore have to upgrade the systems I distribute. I.e. RaspEX, RaspEX with OpenCPN, RaspEX BunsenLabs, RaspEX Kodi, RaspAnd Marshmallow, RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2, RaspAnd Oreo 8.1, RaspAnd Pie, EXTON OpSuS Rpi, FedEX Rpi3 and RaspArch. I have until now (190812) only upgraded RaspEX, RaspEX Kodi, RaspArch and RaspEX with OpenCPN. Read about the new Raspberry Pi 4 .

1. RaspEX version 190812 running OpenCPN as the ordinary user raspex
2. RaspEX version 190812 running OpenCPN as root
3. OpenCPN 4.4.0 running on the 7″ Touchscreen Monitor for Raspberry Pi (old version OpenCPN)
4. OpenCPN 4.4.0 – Boston (old version OpenCPN)
5. OpenCPN World Map (old version of OpenCPN)
6. OpenCPN Florida – Cape Canaveral (old version of OpenCPN)
7. OpenCPN New York – Approaches to New York (old version of OpenCPN)
8. OpenCPN Stockholm Archipelago (old version of OpenCPN)


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RaspArch Rpi4 Build 190809 :: Run Arch Linux on your new Raspberry Pi 4 computer :: Install using Rufus, Win32 Disk Imager or Etcher in Windows!

rasparch-logoRaspArch Build 190809 especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4 released 190624
This version (190809) is especially made for
the new Raspberry Pi 4, but it can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

RaspArch is a “remaster” of Arch Linux ARM. The original compressed system is of about 230 MB. After I have added the LXDE Desktop environment, PulseAudio, Firefox, Yaourt and Gimp the system increased a lot. RaspArch is a “ready-to-go” ARM system. It must be installed on a Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B computer.

BENEFITS of Arch Linux/RaspArch

“Cutting Edge”-software and speed. A member on this site recently wrote this about RaspArch: I’ve used Slackware, Debian, Gentoo, Ubuntu & Arch. I prefer Arch. Ubuntu is easier to install, Arch is easier to keep up to date. You do not go through big, painful, changes every year instead you just update, once in a while, make changes if instructed. Arch has most of the benefits of Gentoo without the pain of recompiling _everything_. When you do need to build a package in Arch its painless especially if you use one of the tools that support AUR (I like Yaourt). Arch avoids the politics of Debian and Ubuntu and delivers a great Linux distribution. RaspArch now brings these advantages to the Pi 2.

Study all installed packages in RaspArch

Screenshot 1 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as archpi
Screenshot 2 of RaspArch’s Desktop
– YouTube running
Screenshot 3 of RaspArch’s Desktop – Wicd running
Screenshot 4 – Yaourt running (while installing Geany)
Screenshot 5 of RaspArch’s Desktop – logged in as root


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RaspEX Rpi4 based on upcoming Ubuntu 19.10 “Eoan Ermine” with LXDE, kernel 4.19.63-raspex-v7l+, Raspotify, RealVNC, PuTTy, Samba and Bluetooth – Build 190807

NEWS 190807 about RaspEX with LXDE based on (upcoming) Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine. Works on the new Raspberry Pi 4
I have upgraded the whole system and replaced the old kernel 4.19.50-exton-v7+ with kernel 4.19.63-raspex-v7l+. RaspEX Build 190807 is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 4, 3 Model B, 3 Model B+ and Raspberry Pi 2. It is based on Debian 10 Buster, Ubuntu 19.10 and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (190807) I’ve installed Wicd Network Manager. Both Firefox and Midori Private Browser are pre-installed. I have also installed Samba and RealVNC so you can connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 4, Pi 3 or Pi 2 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). Furthermore some extra Network Tools, SMTube (YouTube browser which allows to browse, search and play YouTube videos), PulseAudio for better sound in YouTube and RaspotifyRaspotify is a Spotify Connect client for Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi that just works. Study all installed packages in RaspEX Build 190807.

Raspberry Pi 4: How much better is it than the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+?

Compatibility :: August 2019
Unfortunately not all systems made for Raspberry Pi 3 and 2 will run on the new Raspberry Pi 4 computer. They need to be upgraded with a new kernel. I therefore have to upgrade the systems I distribute. I.e. RaspEX, RaspEX with OpenCPN, RaspEX BunsenLabs, RaspEX Kodi, RaspAnd Marshmallow, RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2, RaspAnd Oreo 8.1, RaspAnd Pie, EXTON OpSuS Rpi, FedEX Rpi3 and RaspArch. I have until now (190807) only upgraded RaspEX and RaspEX Kodi. Read about the new Raspberry Pi 4 .

Screenshot 1 – raspex’s Desktop 190807
Screenshot 2 – root’s Desktop 190807
Screenshot 3 – running YouTube in Firefox
Screenshot 4 – RaspEX connected to Windows via Samba
Screenshot 5 – RaspEX connected to Windows via PuTTy
Screenshot 6 – RaspEX “running on” Windows with VNC-viewer
Screenshot 7 – RaspEX using Pavucontrol (for sound control)
Screenshot 8 – RaspEX running SMPlayer
Screenshot 9 – RaspEX running the Bluetooth Manager
Screenshot 10 – RaspEX running Raspotify
Screenshot 11 – Resizing system


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RaspEX Kodi Rpi4 with LXDE and Kodi 18.3 Media Center “Leia” with Netflix, Plex and Amazon Video addons – Build 190803

RaspEX Kodi Build 190803 with LXDE/Kodi Desktops can be downloaded from for free. The system is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 4, but can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. RaspEX Kodi is based on Debian 10 Buster, Raspbian and Kodi Media Center. In RaspEX Kodi I’ve added the LXDE Desktop with many useful applications such as VLC Media Player and NetworkManager. Makes it easy to configure your wireless network. I’ve also upgraded Kodi to version 18.3 Leia, which makes it possible to include useful addons such as Netflix, Plex and Amazon Video. Which I’ve done. Study all included packages in RaspEX Kodi.

RaspEX Kodi performance
RaspEX Kodi is a very fast and responsive Rpi system. Much due to very low memory (RAM) usage. About 120 MB as this screenshot shows. I’ve said that RaspEX LXDE Build 181015 is very fast. RaspEX Kodi is even faster especially if you use the new Raspberry Pi 4 to run it. The video and sound quality is also very very good. Even while running RaspEX Kodi on big TV screens. I.e. you can really enjoy Netflix and YouTube running on your Rpi mini computer!

1. Running Kodi
2. The LXDE Desktop logged in as the ordinary user pi
3. Netflix running showing very good video quality
4. YouTube running showing very good video quality
5. Choosing program addons in Kodi
6. The LXDE Desktop logged in as root (super admin)
7. Kodi system info
8. VLC running showing very good video quality


Raspberry Pi is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Foundation

Kodi is a trademark of XBMC Foundation

Read about my Android-x86 Systems – Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at – latest is AndEX Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and AndEX Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

and about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

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RaspEX based on upcoming Ubuntu 19.10 “Eoan Ermine” with LXDE, kernel 4.19.50-exton-v7+, Raspotify, RealVNC, PuTTy, Samba and Bluetooth – Build 190616

NEWS 190616 about RaspEX with LXDE based on (upcoming) Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine
I have upgraded the whole system and replaced the old kernel 4.14.74-v7+ with kernel 4.19.50-exton-v7+. RaspEX Build 190616 is a Linux ARM system for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, 3 Model B+ and Raspberry Pi 2. It is based on Debian 9 Stretch, Ubuntu 19.10 and Linaro (Open Source software for ARM SoCs). In this new version (190616) I’ve installed Wicd Network Manager. Both Firefox ESR and Midori Private Browser are pre-installed. I have also installed Samba and RealVNC so you can connect to your Windows computers in your Home Network and/or control RaspEX on your Raspberry Pi 3 or Pi 2 from your Windows computers with VNC Viewer and/or PuTTY (Telnet and SSH client). Furthermore some extra Network Tools, SMTube (YouTube browser which allows to browse, search and play YouTube videos), PulseAudio for better sound in YouTube and RaspotifyRaspotify is a Spotify Connect client for Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi that just works. Study all installed packages in RaspEX Build 190616.

THE IMPORTANCE of RaspEX LXDE now being based on Ubuntu 19.10 “Eoan Ermine” (UNSTABLE/DEVELOPMENT)
I don’t think it is too important since RaspEX doesn’t use complicated Desktop Environments like KDE, Gnome or Unity. Programs won’t crash or anything like that. And I haven’t discovered any bugs to report. Just upgrade your RaspEX installation regularly and you won’t have any problems. I think.

Compatibility :: June 2019

Unfortunately not all systems made for Raspberry Pi 3 and 2 will run on the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ computer. They need to be upgraded with a new kernel. I therefore have to upgrade the systems I distribute. I.e. RaspEX, RaspEX with OpenCPN, RaspEX BunsenLabs, RaspAnd Marshmallow, RaspAnd Nougat 7.1.2, RaspAnd Oreo 8.1, RaspAnd Pie, EXTON OpSuS Rpi, FedEX Rpi3 and RaspArch. I have until now (190616) upgraded RaspEX, RaspEX with OpenCPN, RaspArch, EXTON OpSuS Rpi, FedEX Rpi3, RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 and RaspAnd Pie. Read about the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+…

Why shall I use RaspEX?
Eight Operating Systems are recommended by Among them Noobs, Raspbian (Debian Stretch) and Snappy Ubuntu Core. RaspEX is faster (“fast as lightning”), more useful and more fun to use. (In my opinion). One member at this site thought that running RaspEX (for Raspberry Pi 2 Model B) was like running Raspberry Pi on “steroids“. If you use the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ RaspEX will run even faster!

Screenshot 1 – root’s Desktop 190616
Screenshot 2 – raspex’s Desktop 190616
Screenshot 3 – RaspEX connected to Windows via Samba
Screenshot 4 – RaspEX connected to Windows via PuTTy
Screenshot 5 – RaspEX “running on” Windows with VNC-viewer
Screenshot 6 – RaspEX using Pavucontrol (for sound control)
Screenshot 7 – RaspEX running SMPlayer
Screenshot 8 – RaspEX running the Bluetooth Manager
Screenshot 9 – RaspEX running Raspotify
Screenshot 10 – Resizing system and creating SWAP space
Screenshot 11 – RaspEX Build 181022 running the the 64 bit kernel


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RaspAnd Pie 9 for Raspberry Pi 3 B and B+ :: Build 190429 :: with Google Chrome, YouTube, Evie Launcher, Yalp Store and Aptoide App Manager. All working very well!

ABOUT RaspAnd Pie 9 – a new extra build 190429
RaspAnd Pie 9 runs very well on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and 3 Model B+. I.e. the system is pretty responsive if you use a micro SD card of good quality. RaspAnd Pie Build 190429 has the following apps pre-installed: Google Chrome, Yalp Store, Aptoide App Manager, Aida64, Rotation Control, Evie Launcher, Termux and ES File Explorer. Unfortunately not Google Play Store, but Yalp Store and Aptoide work as good replacements for it.

ABOUT Android Pie 9, which was released 180806…

My first RaspAnd Pie Build is from 190315. In Build 190429 I’ve added Yalp Store and replaced Nova Launcher with Evie Launcher.

About Yalp Store
Yalp Store lets you download apps directly from Google Play Store as apk files. It can search for updates of installed apps and lets you search for other apps. The point of Yalp Store is to be small and independent from Google Services Framework. By default Yalp Store connects to Google services using a built-in account, so you do not have to own a Google account to use it. The only reason to use a live Google account is to access the paid apps you own or leave reviews. So Yalp Store works as a pretty good replacement for Google Play Store. I think.

About Evie Launcher
Read a complete review of Evie Launcher…
Evie Launcher works very well in RaspAnd Pie.

1. The new Desktop using Evie Launcher in Build 190429
2. Using Yalp Store in Build 190429 to find utilities
3. Using Yalp Store to find games


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RaspEX Kodi Rpi3 with LXDE and Kodi 18.1 Media Center “Leia” with Netflix, Plex and Amazon Video addons – Build 190321

ABOUT RaspEX Kodi Build 190321
RaspEX Kodi Build 190321 with LXDE/Kodi Desktops can be downloaded from for free. The system is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. RaspEX Kodi is based on Debian, Raspbian and Kodi Media Center. In RaspEX Kodi I’ve added the LXDE Desktop with many useful applications such as VLC Media Player and NetworkManager. Makes it easy to configure your wireless network. I’ve also upgraded Kodi to version 18.1 Leia, which makes it possible to include useful addons such as Netflix, Plex and Amazon Video. Which I’ve done. Study all included packages in RaspEX Kodi.

My first version of RaspEX Kodi from 190124 was a replacement for RaspEX Kodi with OSMC, which was released 190117. Sam Nazarko (founder of OSMC) contacted me 190118 claiming that I was “violating” his rights to the trademark OSMC and the rules in GPLv2. I don’t think I did, but I’m also very tired. Therefore I made a new version (190124) of RaspEX Kodi without any traces of OSMC. I would say that version 190124 and 190321 are as good as the old one from 190117. I.e. excellent video and sound performance both in Kodi and LXDE. For version 190124 I charged 9 $. This new version (190321) can be downloaded for free from People should not refrain from downloading RaspEX Kodi because of the money issue. I want all Linux and Raspberry Pi enthusiasts to enjoy the system. It runs very well on a Raspberry Pi. I.e. fast and responsive.

Kernel 5.0.2-raspex-v7+ is used.

RaspEX Kodi performance
RaspEX Kodi is a very fast and responsive Rpi system. Much due to very low memory (RAM) usage. About 120 MB as this screenshot shows. I’ve said that RaspEX LXDE Build 181015 is very fast. RaspEX Kodi is even faster especially if you use the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ to run it. The video and sound quality is also very very good. Even while running RaspEX Kodi on big TV screens. I.e. you can really enjoy Netflix and YouTube running on your Rpi mini computer!

1. Running Kodi
2. The LXDE Desktop logged in as the ordinary user raspex
3. Netflix running showing very good video quality
4. YouTube running showing very good video quality
5. Choosing program addons in Kodi
6. The LXDE Desktop logged in as root (super admin)
7. Kodi system info


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at – latest is AndEX Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and AndEX Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

and about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

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RaspAnd Pie 9 for Raspberry Pi 3 B and B+ :: Build 190315 :: with Google Chrome, YouTube and Aptoide App Manager working very well!

ABOUT RaspAnd Pie 9 – Build 190315
RaspAnd Pie 9 runs very well on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and 3 Model B+. I.e. the system is pretty responsive if you use a micro SD card of good quality. RaspAnd Pie has the following apps pre-installed: Google Chrome, Aptoide App Manager, Aida64, Rotation Control Pro, Nova Launcher, Termux and ES File Explorer. Unfortunately not Google Play Store, but Aptoide works as a good replacement for it.

ABOUT Android Pie 9, which was released 180806…

1. The Desktop after first boot
2. Changing wallpaper with ES File Manager
3. Installing Spotify with Aptoide – (Spotify works very well)
4. Running Spotify
5. Running Termux – you can use Apt!
6. Wifi Settings – (Wifi works very well)
7. Aida64 running showing the system info
8. Screenshot showing all pre-installed apps


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at – latest is AndEX Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and AndEX Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

and about my Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at – latest is RaspAnd Pie 9.0 (without GAPPS) and RaspAnd Oreo 8.1 (with GAPPS)!

No Comments AndroidextonExton Linux SystemsRaspberry Pi

RaspEX Kodi Rpi3 with LXDE and Kodi 18 RC4 Media Center “Leia” with Netflix, Plex and Amazon Video addons – Build 190124

RaspEX Kodi Build 190124 with LXDE/Kodi Desktops is made especially for the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but can of course also be used on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. RaspEX Kodi is based on Debian, Raspbian and Kodi Media Center. In RaspEX Kodi I’ve added the LXDE Desktop with many useful applications such as VLC Media Player and NetworkManager. Makes it easy to configure your wireless network. I’ve also upgraded Kodi to a BETA version (Kodi 18 RC4 Leia), which makes it possible to include useful addons such as Netflix, Plex and Amazon Video. Which I’ve done. Study all included packages in RaspEX Kodi.

RaspEX Kodi is a replacement for RaspEX Kodi with OSMC, which was released 190117. Sam Nazarko (founder of OSMC) contacted me 190118 claiming that I was “violating” his rights to the trademark OSMC and the rules in GPLv2. I don’t think I did, but I’m also very tired. Therefore I made a new version of RaspEX Kodi without any traces of OSMC. I would say that my new version is as good as the old one. I.e. excellent video and sound performance both in Kodi and LXDE.

About RaspEX Kodi
Running RaspEX Kodi you will immediately end up in X and LXDE as the ordinary user raspex. After the first boot you shall use NetworkManager for configuring your network connection. Just click on the network icon in the upper right panel and chose your wireless network. Watch this screenshot. The big difference between Raspbian and RaspEX Kodi is that Kodi 18 RC4 Leia is pre-installed in RaspEX Kodi together with some really useful addons (Netflix, Plex and Amazon Video). Those addons need Widevine to run. While you are logged in to the LXDE Desktop you can use Synaptic Package Manager to install all extra packages you may need. Since RaspEX Kodi is based on Raspbian/Debian you’ll have about 30000 packages to chose between. When logged in as raspex you can use Sudo to become root. Example: sudo su and sudo pcmanfm. While logged in to the LXDE Desktop you can (of course) go on to Kodi directly. Just open Kodi like any other program. NOTE: You cannot run Kodi as root.

RaspEX Kodi performance

RaspEX Kodi is a very fast and responsive Rpi system. Much due to very low memory (RAM) usage. About 150 MB as this screenshot shows. I’ve said that RaspEX LXDE Build 181015 is very fast. RaspEX Kodi is even faster especially if you use the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ to run it. The video and sound quality is also very very good. Even while running RaspEX Kodi on big TV screens. I.e. you can really enjoy Netflix and YouTube running on your Rpi mini computer!

1. Running Kodi
2. The LXDE Desktop logged in as the ordinary user osmc
3. The LXDE Desktop logged in as root (super admin)
4. Netflix running showing very good video quality – 1
5. Netflix running showing very good video quality – 2
6. YouTube running showing very good video quality
7. Choosing program addons in Kodi
8. RaspEX Kodi showing system INFO


Read about my Android-x86 Systems – Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Lollipop and KitKat at – latest is AndEX Oreo 8.1!


about my Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow and Lollipop versions for Raspberry Pi 3/2 at – latest is RaspAnd Oreo 8.1!

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